farb and VGZ -- sorry again for my first reply. That was inexcusable.
I also had the d/l poop out at around 49 megs (I can't remember the exact amount, though.)
I solved the problem (I think?) by using Omniweb to download it. Omniweb does d/l's better than Explorer (in either 9 or X!). Or, if you feel comfortable with the terminal, try installing lynx (binaries are available on softrack and versiontracker) and using that -- I find lynx d/l's more stably and much faster than any other browser. (Though sometimes Apple's WebObjects servers choke lynx with improper cookies and some other nonstandard stuff.)
Anyhow, I recall having to download the dev tools quite a few times before I got a full-sized archive that I didn't go on to destroy by using stuffit expander. (Free hint -- when you finally d/l it, don't use stuffit to decompress it. Use OpenUp, or the command line tools.)
Hope this helps, and sorry about before.