"OS X For Teachers" - same as for us?


Translator, Web Developer
I was chatting with one of my profs and he said that he was able to order Jaguar through Apple (Canada) for free through the "X For Teachers" program/initiative.

I was just curious if it's the same Jaguar that we get, or if it has reduced functionality or something like that?

At least it probably doesn't come with PB and IB hehe.

By the way the CD's sent straight to the school, not a resdential address, and I'm pretty sure they have a database of applicable educatonal instritutions so it would be pretty hard to scam a copy of Jaguar off Apple if that idea was an brewing for anyone... :p

it is the same version as everyone else gets. I also read about it, and since my mom is an elementary school teacher I had her order it. 1 week later she got it at school and brought it home, I installed it on our home computer and I haven't noticed anything missing. Beats paying for Jaguar :D
Teacher versions don't come with the Dev. Tools, I borrowed the Jag install disks from one of my teachers untill I could get my own copy, then my former teacher said she ordered Jaguar for free but doesn't own a Mac and gave it to me. :) She always signs up for anything free she can get for being a teacher. Now my mom told me she would get it for me cause she can get it for free too then I had to explain how we already have it ... hmmm ok this quick reply thing makes my brain act different. I'm not going anywhere with this so ....

Couldn't one just download devtools from ADC if they needed them?

And yeah it probably is only single user, but I suspect for more prople, it won't matter.

Thanks everyone!