I've got a problem. I was fooling around with the TCP/IP pane in System Preferences, and I think I messed up OS X. I'm on a dialup, and I was just fooling around trying to set the Connection to Manual in TCP/IP, and I entered a bogus ip because it kept asking for one ( Then I restarted and now OS X won't get past the part on the startup screen where it says 'Initializing Network'. It just hangs there forever.
Does anyone know what I could do? I'm in OS 9 now (held down option key at startup) and I can't back into OS X. How can I activate the login screen when I have it turned off? Is there a key I can hold down for it so I can login as someone else? Is there anyway to change the preference so OS X will startup?
Does anyone know what I could do? I'm in OS 9 now (held down option key at startup) and I can't back into OS X. How can I activate the login screen when I have it turned off? Is there a key I can hold down for it so I can login as someone else? Is there anyway to change the preference so OS X will startup?