
I was wondering if anyone has had any luck with installing OS X on a Power Mac 8500. Here are the specifications I know of
Processor Overview:
PowerPC 750 Processor
PowerLogix G3 350 Mhz processor card installed
Processor version number:0x00088300
Cache Overview:
Backside Cache Size: 512K
Backside Cache Speed: 233Mhz [3:2]
Motherboard Cache Size: REMOVED
Motherboard Overview:
Machine ID: 69
Model Name: Power Macintosh 8500
Bus Speed: 47 Mhz
Available Built In Memory: 72 MB
Virtual Memory Max: 996 MB
Virtual Memory Set To: 500 MB
RAM Disk: Off
Please let me know of any sucesses and failures and if you have had sucess please give me a step by step way of how to install it.
Also, do I need to make a backup copy of my HD before I install OS X? Are there any risks involved?