OS X on the Rev. C 266 iMac G3 (160MB RAM)???


We are turning our old iMacG3 266 into a word-processing unit (no networking). We'd like to install OS X.2 and MS Word v.X, to avoid file conversions between our two systems. Is the computer going to be able to run those programs effectively enough to make it worthwhile? Or will the old G3 266 run so sluggishly with OS X that we'll be frustrated? Any predictions/advice?

Your system should work OK with OS X 1.2 and MS Word. It's not going to be a flash-fast system. You should replace added memory, 160 MB will not be enough, replacing a 128 with 256 MB gives you 288 MB, and would make a lot of difference. Also, Format your HD (Probably 6 Gb if you still have original) to do a clean install of OSX
I am running X.2.2 on my iMac 266 and I feel that it runs faster than OS 9 ever did. I have 312 MB ram. Go for it!:D