OS X Uninstall?


I am presently running OS 9.2 on my G4 and also have OS 10.1 installed but it is corrupt and will not run using X. I now have acquired OS 10.3 and wish to make a clean install and clear out the old 10.1. What is the best way to do this? How do I find the files to trash? I understand alot of the OS X files are in packages and they will be easy to find. Are there other hidden files?
1) back up all your data
2) partition your harddisk in at least two parts:
a) for OS 9.2 ; b) for OS X
3) make a clean install of OS X on 2b
4) restore your data
In my opinion, you better forget about partitioning, though. It's a waste of freedom (i.e. you'll always have enough space free on the _wrong_ partition) ;)
Gotta agree with fryke here -- for the experienced "power" user, partitioning is a blessing.

For a casual home user, it's more trouble than it's worth, and it's just one extra thing to keep track of. It won't provide any performance benefits (or any benefits at all other than giving you another virtual hard drive to keep track of). Plus, if you partition incorrectly (assign too much space, or not enough space), then the only way to fix it is to wipe the drive clean and start all over again.

Now might also be a good time to think about whether you really need OS 9 anymore. Do you have any mission-critical programs that only run under OS 9, or that you cannot find a decent Mac OS X-native replacement for?
I am a power user and rather than partition, I just add more internal or external hard drives. Partitions are a pain in the patootie and to paraphrase fryke, no matter what partitioning scheme you come up with the disk space you desperately need will always be on the wrong partition. That may even be a corrolary of Murphy's Law.