OSX 10.04 - 10.1 Patch... Why not?

I got my copy free with my iBook, which I might add, runs X just fine for daily work. Yeah, there are sluggish bits, but on the whole I've done just about everything in X that I really wanted to. Games, however, I still run in 9.

Of course, it goes without saying that I do use the G4 running 9.2 for graphics work, but then I really wouldn't be doing graphics on an iBook anyway ;)

As far as the 10.1 update, well, I'm miffed about having to wait for a CD to arrive, but I really don't mind having to get one. I'd do the two hour drive to the Easton store for a free update too. The Kenwood one (right around the corner from me) won't open 'till November.

Also, earlier someone mentioned that M$ would never release an incomplete OS, if that's so, what was Win 95? :D This is a similar kind of transition, to that, there's bound to be some glitches in the early stages.
Originally posted by simX
Yep. Now I recall those three little cards... Didn't they read: "This version of OSX really sucks. It's pretty, but don't bother trying to use it for anything ...
Those same cards have been included with older versions the Mac OS for several years, I remember getting them with my 8.0 upgrade I bought, they are not anything specific to X put there to make you wonder if the OS isn't ripe yet.

In general; a little bitter are we? you have not been singled out by Apple for persecution, please just go to compusa or your local apple dealer and get 10.1 for FREE when it ships, good lord, here's a hanky.
SimX, will you please find the disclaimer in Apple's OSX online marketing that clearly states the intent of the March release? You know, the one that claims it was for early adopters. Hmmm, didn't it say on the box "early adopters version"? Oh yeah, that's right...

At this point, I honestly don't care. I'm waiting like the rest of the mac community, and I'm simply responding to mr. X's flames because they're silly.

like this one:
>It was your fault for misinterpreting the "advertising" by Apple.

I stated before that I didn't expect to be able to use it for anything other than a novelty... A "get used to it, 'cuz it's the future" OS. I kept that in mind when purchasing and installing and eventually reverting to my functional OS.

My FAULT. Yes, and I apologize... To whom, I have no idea.

Apple never stated "this OS is complete and perfect and fast," I agree. They also did not state that it was unusable. They really didn't say much at all, other than it's stable and pretty.

And Robin Williams will be delivering OSX to my door. I'm gonna kick him in the nuts, because he's so funny. Then I'll tease him with some blow on the table. "C'mon, Robin, just like old times!" He'll get all tweaky... Then I'll make him watch Moscow on the Hudson fifty-two times with his eyes taped open.

And then... Perhaps I'll make him install 10.1 and hold him at gunpoint while he tries to do some audio editing or some multimedia work in "Classic" mode.


;) - that means i'm kidding, feds.
I read somewhere that if you reinstall X.1 instead of updating it from 10.0.4 the improvement is much speedier.... anybody knows about this issue?
Just one quick note: The "original comment" I made that AlanCE referred to was actually salamud's comment.

Also, no I didn't say that Apple issued a press release specifically saying that the initial version was for early adopters, but they said that off the record. Furthermore, your comments, salamud, come across as "I'm complaining because I thought I was going to get a hot-damn OS that has everything perfectly suited to my needs!" If I misinterpreted your comments, salamud, then sorry. :o

The point is, I'm getting awful tired about people complaining about OS X, when they're already starting to take pre-emptive multitasking, rock-solid stability, and a nice, beautiful interface for granted, and instead say, "Where is Starcraft MCXIII? How come it isn't ported to OS X yet? I'm not moving to OS X until it's ported!" or "I'm sticking with the Classic MacOS because I can't customize my hard drive icons in OS X!" or "I don't know what the hell I'm doing in OS X, so I'm just going to flame it and stick with OS 9 for the rest of my life, just because I'm afraid of change!" or "I hate the gum-drop interface, even though it looks so much better than Platinum, is so much more user-friendly, and is a gem compared to luna in Windows XP, not to mention previous iterations of Windows software!" *siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh* :rolleyes:

Granted, most of the people on this forum are not like that, but that's what it came across as, salamud. Sorry for misinterpreting your comments. I have heard sooooo many complaints on OS X that I sure hope that OS X 10.1 will slap them in the face and shut them all up. :D
sallamud said:<br> i have to say, though i despise microsoft, they would never, ever put out such a crippled gimp of an OS, call it "finished", only to release a complete overhaul within the year.

Obviously you weren't around when Windows was originally released or when Windows95 was released or when Windows 98 was released or when...
SimX -

No big deal. And, I admit that I can get cynical sometimes, but in the end, I'm just really, REALLY anxious to start working in OSX. I honestly believe that any PC user who gets a good look at it will feel impotent once back on their wintel machines.

I'm also a little worried that Adobe and Macromedia have been kissing XP's ass... but that's another story.
Originally posted by sfish

Obviously you weren't around when Windows was originally released or when Windows95 was released or when Windows 98 was released or when...

Actually, I recall installing Windows 3.0 for the first time... so long ago.
and then 3.1 (big improvement)
and then 95
and then 98

I do see the similarities between the OSX release and Win95 in terms of the magnitude of the "upgrade". Actually, WinNT vs. Win3.1 is more of a parallel with OSX vs. OS9.

I do not recall MS releasing a point release for Win95 that sped it up as much as OSX10.1 does for 10.04. I'm not even sure that, as a home user during that time period, I ever installed a service pack for Win95. There were new drivers to pull down, but other than that, it functioned well enough. Also, most Win3.1 apps worked well under Win95... it was just a question of 16 bit vs. 32 bit apps. (Tell me if my memory has faded) Comparing how Win95 handled Win3.1 apps with how OSX handles pre-OSX apps, I'd have to say that I'd prefer not to see an old OS loading on top of the one already running.

I think Classic is dorky, but with the speed improvements of 10.1, useable.

Guess what, everyone!!! Until Wacom releases tablet drivers for OSX, I'm stuck in OS9 anyway, so whooopeeee!!! (carpal tunnel's a bitch)
Originally posted by HiperMac
I read somewhere that if you reinstall X.1 instead of updating it from 10.0.4 the improvement is much speedier.... anybody knows about this issue?
I've done both and seen no difference between a full install and an update. Both ways give you a great speed boost. But, if you've been using X sort of half-@ssed and don't mind wiping the partition, I'd recommend a clean install of 10.1 for various other (mostly disk frag and swap space) reasons.