I have a dual proc, 1ghz, G4. Its running 10.2.1...sort of. I have a gig of RAM. I was just about fully updated, somehwere up in the 10.2.8...and then things got pretty bad. I run Protools 001 and Final Cut Pro. The source of problems was updating Quicktime. What a mistake. Anyway, after lots of time I found out that my main problem was an unsupported Core audio issue. I backtracked according to many ProTools/Final Cut users. I reloaded origianl OS 10.2.1...and Final Cut worked again, which was my main issue as I had/have a very important deadline to make. So after all of this backtracking fun...I was up and being priductive again. Then I went away fro a week (lucky me.) I came home last night and started up the box and she went through start up cleanly, and when I got to my desktop the cursor was frozen. So I tried all of the usual things. I unplugged all peripherals, tried again. Nothing. Then I laucnhed via Hardware Test cd...this works fine, mouse works fine...all tests come up good. I just read a thread on this site that seemed to almost almost describe my issues. http://www.macosx.com/content/faq.php/q3101/Mac-G4-Frozen-Screen.html
At the end of the thread, Welton, the patient, responded to Cheryl , the doctor, by saying "thanks, that did the trick." The only problem is I'm not sure what he was referring to...reloading the OS again, or resetting the PRAM on start up. Any thoughts?
I have a dual proc, 1ghz, G4. Its running 10.2.1...sort of. I have a gig of RAM. I was just about fully updated, somehwere up in the 10.2.8...and then things got pretty bad. I run Protools 001 and Final Cut Pro. The source of problems was updating Quicktime. What a mistake. Anyway, after lots of time I found out that my main problem was an unsupported Core audio issue. I backtracked according to many ProTools/Final Cut users. I reloaded origianl OS 10.2.1...and Final Cut worked again, which was my main issue as I had/have a very important deadline to make. So after all of this backtracking fun...I was up and being priductive again. Then I went away fro a week (lucky me.) I came home last night and started up the box and she went through start up cleanly, and when I got to my desktop the cursor was frozen. So I tried all of the usual things. I unplugged all peripherals, tried again. Nothing. Then I laucnhed via Hardware Test cd...this works fine, mouse works fine...all tests come up good. I just read a thread on this site that seemed to almost almost describe my issues. http://www.macosx.com/content/faq.php/q3101/Mac-G4-Frozen-Screen.html
At the end of the thread, Welton, the patient, responded to Cheryl , the doctor, by saying "thanks, that did the trick." The only problem is I'm not sure what he was referring to...reloading the OS again, or resetting the PRAM on start up. Any thoughts?