mdnky said:
I do believe we'll see Photoshop as one of the first 3rd Part apps ready for the 64bit version of Mac OS arrives. It was one of the very first major apps to be optimized for the G5 and everyone I've spoke with from Adobe at trade shows and such events are adamant about Photoshop & G5s.
They patched the main app and some of the filters, they didn't rewrite it. This was the same exact thing that happen when Apple released the G4. Adobe issued an updater to take advantage of Altivec.
The move to 64-bit from 32-bit is more like the move from Mac OS 8/9 to Mac OS X. Lets not forget the history of that move...
---RacerX starts up the
Way-Back machine---
Going into WWDC 98, Apple provided the APIs and even a Carbon enabled version of Rhapsody for some of it's primary developers to look at. Adobe (which was finishing Photoshop 5.5) ported Photoshop 5.0 to Rhapsody as a native Carbon app for demoing in the WWDC Keynote in less than two weeks.
(I've attached some images from the keynote of Photoshop running in Rhapsody)
This was late May 1998. This was Photoshop 5.0.
The first version of Photoshop for Mac OS X was 7.0. Adobe didn't release it until late February 2002.
That was after Acrobat. After Illustrator. After InDesign. After GoLive. At the same time as LiveMotion. And after Microsoft had released Office v.X.
The people at Adobe maybe happy to make some small tweaks to Photoshop to take advantage of the G5... but they'll most likely be one of the last third-party developers to make the jump to 64-bit for the Mac.
... unless they do it at the same time as the rewrite of Photoshop for Windows as a 64-bit app.