OSX Boot Cd and OSX update


I am having issues with my iMac and want to install an update downloaded from another mac.

Is there any value in creating a boot CD (using bootCD) and adding the installer package to the CD and installing the update (10.3.5 Combo update) from CD.

The reason is I updated from SU and my system is stalling and freezing. (preventing me from backinig up to my firewire drive)
I want to install the Combo update but I think it will stall so installing from CD may prevent this.

Will the installer run from CD? Will the installer wipe my drive installing from this method??
Well, you could always copy the installer package to a CD as you were planning on doing, then putting the CD in the iMac that won't access the internet and copying the file to the desktop or internal hard drive, then running the update from there.

If the system is freezing so much you can't even perform those steps, then trying to install the combo update will only hose your system more, since it will more than likely freeze during the installation, which is never a good thing. You may end up with a system that's less stable than it was before.

If the system is freezing that much, it may be time for a hard drive wipe and reinstall.
ElDiabloConCaca said:
Well, you could always copy the installer package to a CD as you were planning on doing, then putting the CD in the iMac that won't access the internet and copying the file to the desktop or internal hard drive, then running the update from there.

If the system is freezing so much you can't even perform those steps, then trying to install the combo update will only hose your system more, since it will more than likely freeze during the installation, which is never a good thing. You may end up with a system that's less stable than it was before.

If the system is freezing that much, it may be time for a hard drive wipe and reinstall.

I agree that it will freeze during installation via that method thats why I think installing it from a Boot CD may circumvent the stalling and allow me to completye the instalation.

I want to do a hard drive wipe but I also want to back up before I do it, but I cant currently
What about starting the troubled iMac up in FireWire Target Disk Mode, then hooking it up to a good Mac and installing the package on the troubled iMac via the good Mac?
ElDiabloConCaca said:
What about starting the troubled iMac up in FireWire Target Disk Mode, then hooking it up to a good Mac and installing the package on the troubled iMac via the good Mac?

Yeah that was my other option, I just have to borrow a friends iBook.
