Thanks for all the replies. I have ordered the iMax, the 20" 2.6 GHz, Duo Core with 2 GB of RAM and a 320GB HD. This is a pretty high-end system for Brazil so it should serve me for a few years, at least. I'll probably upgrade the Ram to 4 GB fairly soon, and get some fun applications like flight sims and sailing sims. Other than that, I'll mostly use it for some web browsing and email. Being retired, work stuff is no longer an issue. (Yippee!)
For sure, I'll get Firefox and Thunderbird as those are two applications I am accustomed to using.
I was a Mac person for many years and had a Mac and PC side-by-side for years. As a consultant tech writer, I needed both platforms even though I would often sercretly do stuff on the Mac and port it to the PC for the cutomer.
After coming to Brazil, I found Macs were pretty much non-existant here until the last year or so. But now I am back to Mac. (Heaving a sigh of relief)