'I want to run DataRescue (for OSX) on a 1999 imac. Is this possible?', Yes - see
here for Frequently Asked Questions, FAQ's, and at the bottom are links to the 'Data Rescue X User Guide' and 'Data Rescue Spec Sheet'. At least MacOS X 10.2.0 is required (as per the 'Data Rescue Spec Sheet').
'... to be honest i cant remember if the imac has firewire or usb2 ports ...', no - 'to be honest', the Bondi Blue nor the 5 flavors iMacs have Firewire ports; and, the USB ports are v. 1.1.
'What do u think?', I think Amateur Radio operators should stick with abbreviations (
Q Codes - 'qth philadelphia' is easier than 'ich wohne in philadelphia' when transmitting to someone in South America, who speaks neither Deutsch or English), not persons posting questions, problems, or solutions to an internet web page.
'Is this possible?', most likely. Below is an excerpt from page 12 of the 'Data Rescue X User Guide' ...
2.5 General Usage
Data Rescue was designed to be used in a wide range of situations. Specifically, Data Rescue can handle:
SCSI, IDE (also called ATA disks) FireWire and USB disks.