Osx on external drive


I wanted to know if i can install osx on an external hrad drive. I currently have the osx cd in my windows vista cd rom. I was going to run the install and point it to the hard drive. It wont let me run the extenstion on my vista. I would like to run osx anytime i plug this drive into a pc. I do have a g3 that has been installed with osx but its a pain to switch all the cables from on pc to another when i need to use the mac. Plus i could use the hard drive for work.
OS X will only run on a Mac, so unless that external drive is plugged into a Mac then it won't work. And on top of that, you would only be able to use the retail version of Leopard if you wanted it to mount and run on either a PowerPC or Intel Mac.
I've seen it done where i would need a patch and some special software but thats to have both xp and osx on a pc and choose which to boot from. I want to boot a pc then stick the hard drive via used and be on a mac.
Wow you have really told use your [HOW TO] (hint you are in the the wring thread you should be in another thread).
I've seen it done where i would need a patch and some special software but thats to have both xp and osx on a pc and choose which to boot from. I want to boot a pc then stick the hard drive via used and be on a mac.

Yes, and had you searched the forum for similar questions from new registrants who failed to read the board rules, you would have also seen it's actually against the board rules to discuss such things on this forum. You want help from this forum, get a Mac (a used one that can run Tiger can be found for pretty cheap nowadays) and run OS X the way Apple intended. Otherwise, you're out of luck here.
Moved to system & software. Howto is not for questions but for tutorials. And a tutorial for how to get Mac OS X to run on a non-Mac hardware will not be found t/here.
I recommend getting a Mac or a second hand mac, e.g. a Mac mini with 10.4 or 10.5 already installed.