OSX Server?


Stoopid American Rednek
I'm not sure if this should go in here or in the Networking forum. I am considering picking up a cheap Mac G4 (say and 866Mhz) and using it as a web/e-mail/file server. This would be on a separate IP address from my wireless network and would be used only for those things. I know most of what I want to do can be done with OSX 10.3 consumer version, but is it worth it to spend $500 for the server program to what I want to do? Does the server software make it easier to set up POP and SMTP servers for e-mail etc?

Anyone here done this?
It does make it easier, but I don't think that for your limited needs it's worth $500. I mean, time is money, but I think by investing some time in getting all those things to work under 10.3 client you'd come out ahead.
For personal use it's most likely a waste of money. I'm using my old beige box (10.1.5) at the office right now as our main server and it handles everything just fine. Web, E-Mail, and files (dedicated partition on the drive). All I had to do was upgrade Samba (2.2.x or something like that) and it's worked excellent since on a mixed Mac/Win network of 6-8 computers and 5 users (same time). The only 'downside' is the stock 10BaseT connector...need to find a 10/100 card for her.

I'd personally grab a cheap B&W G3...it should be more than enough for what you're going to use it for and the price is a lot less. You could probably grab a B&W and upgrade the RAM and processor (G3900) for less than a g4866 would cost you, though you probably won't need the processor upgrade. The more RAM you have in there the better though.
mdnky said:
The only 'downside' is the stock 10BaseT connector...need to find a 10/100 card for her.

I'm using an old 7600/200 with a G3/400 MHz upgrade card and have installed a D-Link DFE-530TX+, without drivers, and it works great. True 10/100 Plug-and-play for about $15.