

i have a number of ibooks g4 1064 mhz, 256mb, 30gb, comb/ap what os would u expect to run, have a copy of osx 10.5.4 and 10.4.7 will any of these be compatteble with the ibook
A 10.4.7 install is unlikely to work, because it will be a grey installer disk, or a copy of a grey installer disk. It's also probably for an Intel Mac, so you won't get anywhere with that one. Any grey disk is a system specific installer, and won't install on a G4 iBook. The 10.5.4 may have the same issue, unless you know it's a black installer disk. 10.5.6 won't install with that small amount of RAM.
You have a single memory slot. It that slot is empty, you can add up to 1 GB, which will then be fine with 10.5.4 (if that installer will work on your iBook)
I'm with VailGeek: Apple didn't ship a retail version of Leopard at version 10.5.4; only 10.5.0 and 10.5.6. Your iBooks are compatible with Leopard however you need more memory. I don't recommend upgrading to Tiger on such little RAM either. Finding either may be a challenge (eBay most likely) but make sure you get the black retail disk. Each 1GB chip will set you back about $40.
MacOS X 10.5.4 did ship as a commercial installer version. So, you might see 10.5 - 10.5.1 (i think), 10.5.4 and 10.5.6 as commercial versions of Leopard.