I have been on Mac's for since the SE30, and am pretty savvy with internet and macintosh protocol's, etc... for the life of me, I know the answer to this either has to be staring me in the face, or there is just some kind of bug that I am not aware of here.
When my wife signs on as a different user, she cannot print on the printer. When she signs off and I sign on, the dang thing then prints (or sometimes does not print at all).
What the heck setting is not proper?
OS X 10.3.9
Lexmark 83
Also- we would like to share this printer between our (her) PC, which is on a LAN in the same room as the Mac. I am not sure how we go about setting this up... but this problem I am asking about above existed before we had the LAN set up.
Much thanks for any help!
When my wife signs on as a different user, she cannot print on the printer. When she signs off and I sign on, the dang thing then prints (or sometimes does not print at all).
What the heck setting is not proper?
OS X 10.3.9
Lexmark 83
Also- we would like to share this printer between our (her) PC, which is on a LAN in the same room as the Mac. I am not sure how we go about setting this up... but this problem I am asking about above existed before we had the LAN set up.
Much thanks for any help!