I searched and couldn't find a suitable answer, so here it goes.
A brand new G5 out of the box is giving an "Out of Range" error on the monitor when ever you try to boot it up. MAC tech support has been little help. The furthest it's gotten is seeing the gray Apple and spinning gear. MAC TS advised (on different calls) starting in Safe Boot, resetting the PRAM, and I think one other thing. Regardless, none of those made it past the Apple and gears, if even that far. Once in a while the speakers will start to say "English" and cut off, but that's rare.
Any suggestions? This is for a someone who just got this directly from apple. The monitor works with a PC, so we know the monitor is not defective.
A brand new G5 out of the box is giving an "Out of Range" error on the monitor when ever you try to boot it up. MAC tech support has been little help. The furthest it's gotten is seeing the gray Apple and spinning gear. MAC TS advised (on different calls) starting in Safe Boot, resetting the PRAM, and I think one other thing. Regardless, none of those made it past the Apple and gears, if even that far. Once in a while the speakers will start to say "English" and cut off, but that's rare.
Any suggestions? This is for a someone who just got this directly from apple. The monitor works with a PC, so we know the monitor is not defective.