Unfortunally isync still doesn't sync categories from, or to the Palm handheld. Lets say if I create a contact information which is "private" and another one which is in the category "work" on my ibook, and then proceed to sync it with isync, it shows up as "not categorized" on my Palm. Vice versa its the same.
Ok, I don't add 100 contacts daily, so its no problem for me to edit the category for every item which has been added lately. For other users this fact might be über - annoying.
But is still cool to have 4 different devices "on sync". (In my case 3rd gen ipod, ibook, Sony E. t610, Palm Tungsten T5)
Software recommendation:
Filez - free - Let you access and manage files on you palm (also usefull if you want to delete or edit system files in the application part of your palm - don't know how to express it in proper English -)
pTunes - shareware - Let you play various sound formats like ogg, wma, mp3, wav - manages playlists - supports skins
mmplayer - shareware - currently the only (good) solution besides the "media" application which came with my T5. Is able to play divx and mpeg4 encoded videos among other formats. Unfortunally you have to reencode your videos, change the size to match the display size of your palm and you have to reduce data transfer rate of the video files. I don't know if there are applications on the mac which "do this for free". On Windows you could use "Virtual Dub" to accomplish this.
Cardbackup - test version? - Creates full backups of your Palm's data on a SD card.
Hm it seems you already have "Docs to Go".
Novii Remote - test version - control all your IR devices (TV, DVD player etc.) with you Palm
http://www.codejedi.com/guineapig/ - free - Emulator for Genesis, Sega Master System, Atari etc.
Beats of RAge
http://www.codejedi.com/bor/ - free - "Beats of Rage is a "beat'em'up" game in the grain of Double Dragon and Streets of Rage and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as well as being a fully modable engine for such games."
Scumm VM - free - "ScummVM is a 'virtual machine' for several classic graphical point-and-click adventure games. It is designed to run Adventure Soft's Simon the Sorcerer 1 and 2, Revolution's Beneath A Steel Sky, and games based on LucasArts' S.C.U.M.M (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) system. S.C.U.M.M is used for many games, including Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max and more."