Panther is now GM


I have confirmation from the most liable sorce possible. Panther 7B85 is Goldmaster. Now 24th of OCT. is rumored to be the released date however that has still yet to be determined at yet.
You mean you've talked to Steve Jobs personally?

have confirmation from the most liable sorce possible.
Hmmm... Releasing it with all those bugs? They're not trying to out-Microsoft Microsoft, are they?
Well no OS release is ever going to be free of bugs. And lets assume that it has as few bugs as possible in order to run it without too many issues coming forth.
I have not found a bug in 7B80, so ... Sure, there are applications that will need to be updated. No problem. This was like that with every release of Mac OS since I can remember, really. But OS-related bugs? Haven't seen any lately. And I believe that 7B85 is pretty bullet-proof stability-wise...

However, I find it strange that Apple would _not_ test Final Candidates with ADC members... Quite unusual... And they still have time to churn out a few more builds until the 10th, which would be the the 'Release to manufacturing'-day if the 24th should actually _be_ the release day.
Every version of OS X to date, and many older versions of the Classic OS, have had bugs when they are released. It's nothing new; it's just that Apple tries to find them all and eliminate as many as possible before release.
yeah 7B80 is running flawlessly so far.....i guess from 81-84 will be internal builds. they've stopped the adc seeding (?)
80 has been fine here as well

80 was not released to ADC either, 74 is the last one as far as i know
I just want a box in my hands with a big shiny, blocky X on the front and some CD's inside.
Me too!!! :D

I'm just dreaming a DVD... but just dreaming...

And I need the 3 CD Set only once... ;)
Originally posted by iscaro
And I need the 3 CD Set only once... ;)

4 if you count XCode.

Originally posted by Ripcord
Hmmm... Releasing it with all those bugs? They're not trying to out-Microsoft Microsoft, are they?

So you've used 7B85 then? I'm running 7B80 and haven't found a bug yet... I'm interested to hear what bugs you're referring to.