Panther, Mac OS X 10.3 Discussions (merged)

10.1 'Summer 2001'
10.2 'Summer 2002'

There were some rumours on that 10.3 would appear in June already. We'll certainly know more after WWDC has started in May 2003.
It would be nice if Apple includes Ilife in it... rather than shelling out $49 dollars for it.
49$ buys you iDVD. There's no reason why Apple should include it in Panther. You get it for free if you buy a new Mac, you can stay with iDVD 2 that you got with yours or you pay 49$, which isn't really MUCH for such a great creativity & production tool. iMovie is a download, iTunes is a download, iPhoto is a download - and as with Jaguar, you'll probably get them along with the other free iApps on the Applications CD.
I would still like Ilife incorporated as part of the natural 10.3 panther OS... Rather than have 4 seprate icons... or pay the 49$ to merge them into one single program. I am not asking for too much.
Originally posted by Trim1
If you look at the pattern you may have to "pay" for ALL of it.

But... as an owner of OS X 10.0, I marched into CompUSA and was handed a copy of the 10.1 update for free. They didn't even want to see an update coupon or anything. I hope (though don't expect) that's the case with 10.3.
So those 3 update coupons they give you are useless??? You know the ones that come with new machines?
Originally posted by Sirtovin
I would still like Ilife incorporated as part of the natural 10.3 panther OS... Rather than have 4 seprate icons... or pay the 49$ to merge them into one single program. I am not asking for too much.

iLife is still four different programs, with four separate icons. they integrate, but there's no "ilife" application.

And i STILL have no idea what those coupons are for. Apple stopped producing update CD's some time ago, and they certainly didn't help with 10.2 upgrade. I actually work in an Apple store too..
Originally posted by buggerit
iLife is still four different programs, with four separate icons. they integrate, but there's no "ilife" application.

And i STILL have no idea what those coupons are for. Apple stopped producing update CD's some time ago, and they certainly didn't help with 10.2 upgrade. I actually work in an Apple store too..

Ahhh darn... So ILIFE IS all 4 programs with seprate icons... grrr... Why did Apple do this? When these programs can be downloaded for free... Unless they plan on future upgrades of these products to no longer be free..
Originally posted by Sirtovin
So those 3 update coupons they give you are useless??? You know the ones that come with new machines?

Those coupons don't do sh...anything. Neither the ones that came with my computer nor the ones that came in the 10.0 box. Well, I take that back: they give me false hope that Apple with be sensible and reasonable at some point in the near future. ;)
Originally posted by Sirtovin
Ahhh darn... So ILIFE IS all 4 programs with seprate icons... grrr... Why did Apple do this? When these programs can be downloaded for free... Unless they plan on future upgrades of these products to no longer be free..

If they were all one app, it would be much too complex. I for one would hate to have to start up a huge multimedia app just to listen to mp3's. You're missing the point of why the iApps are so great - they're simple. Cramming them all into one big lump would make them very not simple.

In my view, in the case of farely unrelated apps, it's better to have separate apps but good integration.
If you have questions as to why 10.3 will cost 129 USD, please search the forums for information on price for Jaguar.

The 10.1 Update was free, because Apple felt they owed that to the early adopters. Can't say ANYthing like that for 10.2 or 10.3. Those are full upgrades. Full upgrade pricing included.
Jag u ar was worth it. Well, it was definitely worth the $70 academic price I paid.

Then, a month later, I got it for free (free for teachers) :-(

I have seen some rumours that 10.3 will include a much improved iChat - sound, videoconferencing. I hope these rumours are true.
Originally posted by celeborn
If they were all one app, it would be much too complex. I for one would hate to have to start up a huge multimedia app just to listen to mp3's. You're missing the point of why the iApps are so great - they're simple. Cramming them all into one big lump would make them very not simple.

In my view, in the case of farely unrelated apps, it's better to have separate apps but good integration.

One of the strength of MacOS X in my opinion is application integration. These are still different applications but they operate together, and probably one could develp new applications that can also integrate.

The first hint was the services system. Very well integrated, even if the user interface could be better. The second hint was the glocal usage of the address book. iLife is a third example of software integration. Independant pieces of software that exchange their data... sounds like an old idea, no ? Remember OpenDoc ?
Originally posted by rfm
I have seen some rumours that 10.3 will include a much improved iChat - sound, videoconferencing. I hope these rumours are true.

If this would be the case, let's have a new app (vChat ?) that would exchange info (like addresses) with Mail and iChat.
I'm not sure what you mean, but Mail and iChat are integrated with Address Book, no?
Maybe in 10.3...EVERYTHING (all Apps) will be integrated...maybe they'll all work together (but not all run at the same one giant program)....hmm...probably not tho...