Panther, Mac OS X 10.3 Discussions (merged)

Hmm... Metal Finder? You mean 'Detector 1.0'? ;)

If the past shows us the pace of the big Mac OS X version numbers between the first (public) developer release and the Golden Master, we'll see Panther in September. Of course this depends on the feature set and whether parts of its set have already been in development longer (no integral parts, rather new versions of iChat, iSync, iTunes etc.).
Originally posted by chevy

Will we have a black hairy X ? Or crossed teeth ?

Will the interface change ? Top left Apple logo going from blue to black ?

What about a hairy Apple logo ?
I hope that they go back to the aquified X like in 10 and 10.1 i thought that the jaguar X was stupid
I use 10.1 at school and 10.2 at home, and 10.1 feels like it's made out of glue or something. Too blurry and fat. 10.2, while still ugly, feels sharper and less noticeable.

My opinion, of course.

I'd be super happy if they'd make the dock removable in this release. I miss my application menu. :(
I personnally hope Panther will be more editable than previous versions of OSX. I'd really like to get rid of some useless GUI elements.
Yeah, for those of us with older machines it would be nice to remove some of the stuff that slows it down. But then, Apple doesn't make any money if we don't buy new stuff once in awhile I guess :)
So, we have a thread about Panther's beta release come June... but what will be the new features/improvements?


We know a new iChat is to be included, and a new system for the Help Viewer likely, but what else?


... darn... just spotted a similar thread already in here... haven't posted in months and look what I go and do!:rolleyes:

Ok, carry on.
Merged the three threads. No problem. :)
I hope it won't be too confusing, though...
Well, it's more like every 12 months for once, and then you don't actually _have_ to buy every update. If you buy it, because it's that GOOD, then why not. But while I just HAD to buy Jaguar when it came out, my PC stayed on Windows 2K, because WinXP wasn't exactly NEEDED.

Mac OS X 10.0 (Cheetah) - March 2001
Mac OS X 10.1 (Puma), free - September 2001
Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) - August 2002
Mac OS X 10.3 (Panther) - September 2003

Every release has brought massive enhancements so far (we don't know about Panther just yet) and the price was always justified, I think. 10.1 was free because Apple admitted that 10.0 went out before really being ready, which you can't say about 10.1 and 10.2, so musings about 10.3 being a free upgrade are amusing me before WWDC and annoying me afterwards. (I remember those states from the Jaguar phase...)

I was looking on for those release dates, and way up on the list I found my own site. ;)

Kendall wrote on about Panther that day about spymac's 'Junkyard' rumour. I guess nobody knows what that _exactly_ was about anymore?
damnit! i saw a screen shot not too long ago, but i didn't think to save it and post it here. NOW I CANT FIND IT!!!!!!!
Actually Panther's developer release is coming out June 23, 2003 :cool:

No I'd be super, super :mad: if I've just shelled out $120 for 10.2 which is supposed to have arrived 2 weeks ago (and, I might add, still has not arrived) and then 3 months later shell out another $120 for 10.3
Has anyone heard anything about itunes 4? cuz didn't itunes 2 come out a little bit before 10.1? iTunes 3, i don't remember when, but i know it came with jaguar (or at least my jaguar). I'm hoping that will come with panther.
Originally posted by Aeronyth
I'm not a mac user...YET...

But this "pay us 130 bucks every 9 months for an upgrade" is...kindof sad.

hehe windows users had to do that sorta.
Sirtovin, not as much as we do.

Don't misinterpret me though, I'm no Windoze fan, but I do object to releasing costly updates so frequently.

1. Releasing major costly updates is acceptable and can't be avoided;
2. Releasing frequent updates rocks;
But the two together and you get disgruntled customers...I think.
I think that panther will be free, or extremely cheap, since there can't be more updates they can have to the appearance and finder, except to make it faster. Unless it is loaded with tons of awesome software, including ilife, i don't think it will cost too much.
I still use 9.2.2, I had OS X 10.0.4, but I overloaded my puter with crap and I had to reboot with OS 9 (Mac OS X 10.0.4 (whoops there is an error) never worked for me :'( )
huh?! 10.4?
o that's an error.
I used to use os 9 from time to time, since my classic wouldn't work. Now i never use it at all, except on my crappy powerbook G3, which is actually one of the first PBG3 model made.
But while I just HAD to buy Jaguar when it came out, my PC stayed on Windows 2K, because WinXP wasn't exactly NEEDED.

Yes, because 99.999% of programs that run on Windows XP run on Windows 2K (and 95% of those run on Windows 95, for chrissake). It seems lately nearly 50% of the programs I've downloaded, or looked to download have required Jag. I run Jag on both my Macs, but I'm worried about having to shell out yet ANOTHER $129 not necessarily because I want new features in 10.3 (or whatever), but because I'd like to continue to run new software. (I just don't think think that my OS should become unsupported or obsolete in a YEAR's time...)
Originally posted by michaelsanford
Sirtovin, not as much as we do.

Don't misinterpret me though, I'm no Windoze fan, but I do object to releasing costly updates so frequently.

1. Releasing major costly updates is acceptable and can't be avoided;
2. Releasing frequent updates rocks;
But the two together and you get disgruntled customers...I think.

Naw... I am not misinterpreting you... The fact is Updates unfortunately always cost money...

I am a "Switcher" and I noticed that M$, releases their updates usually 1-2 years within each other... here... I've noticed... 6 major updates from 10.2. I say this because there will be a 10.2.5 update soon... than Panther 10.3 will be released as a pay update... That's not bad... considering that Windows you would have to pay for the "Major" updates...

I meant no disrespect to you.