I just found out that Panther does not recognize Postscript fonts.
Apple's reply to my inquiry was "Check with your font manufacturer"
What BS!! $109.00 lost. Next I contact Extensis about Suitcase X1.
Extensis does not currently support Suitcase in OS X. $49.95 down the
drain. I guess Jaguar supports PS fonts , Apple says to get back to Jaguar
you must reformat and reinstall everything. As our conmpanies IT person
I think this sucks. If you are a designer I advise ..go no further than Jaguar
until the jerks get it right.
Apple's reply to my inquiry was "Check with your font manufacturer"
What BS!! $109.00 lost. Next I contact Extensis about Suitcase X1.
Extensis does not currently support Suitcase in OS X. $49.95 down the
drain. I guess Jaguar supports PS fonts , Apple says to get back to Jaguar
you must reformat and reinstall everything. As our conmpanies IT person
I think this sucks. If you are a designer I advise ..go no further than Jaguar
until the jerks get it right.