I'm preparing for the final installation of Mac OS X. Right now I have an iMac with a 3,9GB OS 9 partition and a 2,4GB OS X PB. I'm running out of space, so I'm going to buy a 20GB from a friend and replace the current drive.
I'm definently going to have seperate partitions for OS X and OS 9. The question is only: how to partition.
50/50? 25/75? I imagine I'll work more in OS 9 than in X at first, progressively moving over as more applications come. But having partitions do create problems. Right now, the OS 9 is full and there's space in OS X, so I have to save some of my documents/apps there (which makes organizing more difficult). What if I had a small (~500MB) partition for the OS 9 system, and let the OS X system and all the applications go on another. I could still boot into OS 9 and access all my apps and documents. Or is it better to have the native programs on its own system?
I'm preparing for the final installation of Mac OS X. Right now I have an iMac with a 3,9GB OS 9 partition and a 2,4GB OS X PB. I'm running out of space, so I'm going to buy a 20GB from a friend and replace the current drive.
I'm definently going to have seperate partitions for OS X and OS 9. The question is only: how to partition.
50/50? 25/75? I imagine I'll work more in OS 9 than in X at first, progressively moving over as more applications come. But having partitions do create problems. Right now, the OS 9 is full and there's space in OS X, so I have to save some of my documents/apps there (which makes organizing more difficult). What if I had a small (~500MB) partition for the OS 9 system, and let the OS X system and all the applications go on another. I could still boot into OS 9 and access all my apps and documents. Or is it better to have the native programs on its own system?