East Anglia branch
Can someone please tell me why OSX (pile of poo that it is) keeps asking me for passwords every time that I log on? Not only that, but wretched mail.app asks me for the same password every time that I wish to download my mail.
I am not running a network, I do NOT want ANYTHING password protected, and I wish to use this computer password-free, whenever I wish. Is it possible for the folks in Cupertino (wherever THAT is) to understand that?
If Steve Jobs cannot comprehend that, then please pass it on to Al Gore, actual President of the United States. Or else, PLEASE bring back the brilliant OS 8.2 or 9.1 - both of which actually worked without having to log on.
If I wanted to step back into the Dark Ages I would have bought a bloody Windows PC. But I don't wish to part with money to the Devil - at least, not yet....
I am not running a network, I do NOT want ANYTHING password protected, and I wish to use this computer password-free, whenever I wish. Is it possible for the folks in Cupertino (wherever THAT is) to understand that?
If Steve Jobs cannot comprehend that, then please pass it on to Al Gore, actual President of the United States. Or else, PLEASE bring back the brilliant OS 8.2 or 9.1 - both of which actually worked without having to log on.
If I wanted to step back into the Dark Ages I would have bought a bloody Windows PC. But I don't wish to part with money to the Devil - at least, not yet....