PB Critics tear Apple apart

microsoft is everywhere! apple switch adds may be sayin the truth but its difficult to attract people from such a huge market! if they wanna turn ppl into switchers they HAVE TO IMPRESS THEm! for example a new PowerMac which is much faster than any processor around could impress them! its difficult to take the average user (who is used to workin in a windows environment) and make him buy a mac! they have never used mac OS. and its a fact that most people dont like CHANGE!

im sure glad i made the change. now all i want is a Dual Power Mac. and a 17inch PowerMac :)

BTW MacLuc whats LAUB ?
i agree with Ed. some people are just negative about apple(like that *%&*%^ journalist) and would never make the switch. i experience it everyday in school when i talk about apple; some people will just become furious and start tellin me all the bad things about apple , while OTHERS will seem interested and ask more questions about macs or agree with me! the 1st case guys will obviously never switch, but if the others could be potential switchers( if they werent living in Greece)
Loyal Apple User Base = LAUB

hey, stealth, i'm always glad when somebody sees the light. i just don't want 'em flocking to it like the light you're supposed to see when you die. let the ones who think they know better stay where they are. cause they're the same ones that inspire others to write viruses. :D

and macluv - i don't have a fear of viruses - i'm a mac user :D (seriously, i don't have to be afraid of something to not want the annoyance of it)
Virus? whats a virus? last time i mentioned this word was 10 months ago before i switched.. ahahha:P now it has been erased from memory, just like all those Blue Screens of death :) (of course there is one PC in our house. my old PC . my brother uses it now. but i REFUSE to help him when it has any problems! once i buy a powerbook and give my powermac to my brother. ill be glad to feed the PC to the dogs)
Macluv wrote:
... without trying to compete head on with Microsoft

I had this slight impression that this was the idea behind whole "Switch" campaign...
Maybe we were annoyed by it, maybe it was a bit crappy here or there, or we don't really believe the figures Mr. Jobs pulld out of his magical hat at MWSF: but still it was fully intended to convince wintel users to come over to the Mac. That's quite head on in marketing world, since it is forbidden to take another product and then say "hey, ours is better and theirs is worse". I don't think the switch campaign could go any farther that what it has done.

Moreover by releasing products that can replace M$ software (like keynote) they make switching easier and slowly erode the wintel user base. What if at MWNY this summer they are going to present a new version of AppleWorks to compete with office? or if they try and launch OpenOffice as their favorite suite?

"Some companies seem to have a problem with open source. We think it's great!" WHAM! That was pretty head on IMHO. :)

What is your idea of Apple competing head on with M$?
unfortunately. any computer company is practically competing with MS even if they dont want to.. since MS has expanded sooo much! i dont really care! as long as im satisfied with apples new products (eg Safari) i dont mind about MS.! let Bill Gates becum as rich as He Can ! it might sound kind of selfish but as long as theyre not hurtin apple(and as a result ME, the apple user), i dont really care!
Originally posted by vanguard
Wow, this number get's lower every time I see it. I'm also seeing that Linux is about to become the #2 desktop OS, taking Apple's spot.
I think they base it on the last years sales, becuase the only computers in use were made last year :rolleyes:
Originally posted by edX
aside from David coursey who seems to be a legitimate 'adder', the rest of the zd net staff never quite gets it.[/B]
are you David coursey in disguise?
Stealth wrote:
i agree with Ed. some people are just negative about apple(like that *%&*%^ journalist) and would never make the switch. i experience it everyday in school when i talk about apple

Yeah its funny, Ive had that too but most of them dont even know that Macs are Unix now and when you explain to them all the cool stuff they always come up with the old fallback...'Macs dont have any decent games'

PS>Yes we are short on games but not on brains...
I truly hate Apple for letting the Cat out of the bag and now they are making us organise a Safari in the middle of winter with only a puny 12" PB as a defensive weapon or the heavy 17" but powerless PB against all wild life! And what in God's (aka Steve Jobs) name were they thinking at Apple when they created that Key-what? Or that wire800 of fire? Can we really compete against all wild life out there with this kind of puny wires & fire-only stuff? And what about iLife? Will we be able to iLive another day with this crap suite of weapons in our dangerous Safari?

Methinks NOT! I hate Apple! I want fearsome Claw Hammers, Opterons, 't/niums, DDRagons, Viruses, BSODs, unholy armoring with MANY weapon slots and other God killing weaponry and I want 'em NOW! While at the same time NOT being fancy, unique or beatiful, instead I want them to be plain ugly even for 1sec look! I want my enemies to fear them just by laying an eye at them! Or when my enemies will try to beat my fearsome mekaniks by trying to outsmart them using their XPerience in battles, to find out that they have no Windows of oppurtunities to escape an ugly death of their freedom because I have the unbeatable Palladium as my right hand and above all I own the keys to the Gates of hell itself!

Seeing as everyones in the mood...

Someones sig I found:

Computers are like air conditioners...they dont work when you open windows....

*not all zdnet wirters are pessimistic about Apple's future.

even if the switch campaign doesn't win over a large portion or wintel users, it will be successful with gaining a few points of market share. If apple gains 2% it will nearly double their sales. I actually think there is an extremely large maket for the 12in powerbook; many people are looking for a powerful yet small notebook, and for some people the ibooks doesn't look professional enough and prefer metal casing (like the stainless steel appliances, they may not be any better than the white ones but they have the cool appeal). The 17in powerbook is a lot like the Nissan 350z. Nissan may sell many more sentras, altimas, and maximas, but having an attractive flagship product only enhances your reputation and gets people into the showroom to look at your products.
Originally posted by jade
even if the switch campaign doesn't win over a large portion or wintel users, it will be successful with gaining a few points of market share.

This is a "flexible yardstick"-- the figures Jobs gave during the Keynote are questionable, and the Switch campaign itself is not directly responsible for making the sales neccessary to increase marketshare. It's aimed at "drifters"--or people on the fence. It's there to encourage people that Mac is the only alternative to Windows. (Or remind Apple users that it's the right choice.) It doesn't guarantee anything, especially Apple users floating away to Windows. What Jobs failed to mention is how Apple is trying to keep people from departing the Mac scene. I'm reminded of the Simpson's episode where Homer tries to get more customers in the bowling alley by running outside, firing a shotgun, and yelling "Bowling! Everybody loves Bowling!" :D