haha! thank you dude!
...and i agree, no replacement for the real thing, but it does have plus's over OS X ... the biggest thing for me, when first using OS X... was the Hibernate Feature of XP! ... if u're not o aware, it basically dumps the system RAM over to the Hard Disc, and Shuts Down. then, it Resumes, loading the RAM Data back from the HDD to the RAM itself! ... it allows u 2 have unlimted programs 2 be resumed, to the exact state they were in, previous to the shutdown! ... i LOVE That Feature!
Beides that, something coming in 10.2... the Open With Command is another small thing, u don't expect 2 miss, until it is absent! ... hey! ... thats my 2 "urrr" Euro's! lol
divibisan .... Erm, Not Really ... Win 2000 could, 2 some degree... it can handle the same Transparency effects and all, but for the icons, they will pretty terrible in 2000! sorry! ... As For Xp, there's a LOT 2 Customize in there! For sure, all that is needed, is Resource Hacker, Adobe Photoshop. ... and a LOT of patience! ... it really does make a difference!