Photos with MacOs


Hi, I'm a starter with Mac and I'm having a hard time using iPhoto. It's probably me, but I find it much more complicated than Windows ... how can I simply copy a picture from internet and save it in my iPhoto folder/library?

If you have multiple button mouse ...

01. Position the mouse cursor over the desired graphic.
02. Press the middle finger* button (called the contextual button). A contextual menu will appear.
03. Select the 'Add Image to iPhoto Library' menu item.

If you have a single button mouse ...

01. Position the mouse cursor over the desired graphic.
02. Press and keep pressed the '<control>' key.
03. Press the mouse button. A contextual menu will appear. Once the contextual menu appears you can now (optionally) release the '<control>' key.
04. Select the 'Add Image to iPhoto Library' menu item.

* - I say 'middle finger' button - since such applies to left handed persons, as well.
Depends. You can choose. If you simply move the mouse to the left side of the keyboard, it remains. If you're left-handed and prefer your index-finger for "main clicking", you'll set it up differently. But I guess most left-handed people are alright with the term "right-clicking", so barhar's just creating a problem where there hasn't been one before.
'Doesn't the right mouse button remain on the right side of the mouse for left handed users?' - when I assist those who are left handed, I select 'System Preferences' 'Keyboard & Mouse's 'Mouse' tabs' 'Primary mouse button:' 'Right' radio button, for them.

I was in this frame of thought when I replied.

Before any presentation, I tell the attendees - that a mouse 'click' or 'press' is performed by the finger closest to the thumb; and, a 'contextual click' is preformed by the middle finger. Thus, all clearly understand which finger to use.
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