Photoshop 6.5 in OSX...PIC inside before Adobe gets angry

a free bundled Apple Cinema Display, just to ease us into the new system!
(More people would use OSX then!):p
Originally posted by Jayem
has any serious photoshop user ( such as myself ;) ) given thought to the fact that the color scheme of Aqua is going to drastically compromise your work? All those widgets and pin stripes.... they give me a head-ache just thinking about it.

once again uoba please be my personal dictionary... :p

I know some people who are working on addressing the Aqua-dictatorship for theme-ing. I'll post as the projects near completion.
Originally posted by swizcore

I know some people who are working on addressing the Aqua-dictatorship for theme-ing. I'll post as the projects near completion.

This looks pretty fake.
1.The bottom of the image window is strange. The aqua pulldown button seems out of place.

That's because the widget for the pulldown is larger the row it sits next to. That's one of the main problems Adobe had with Carbonizing their products - all their UI's were shot to hell due to the new larger widgets.

2.The close button has the dot indicating that the file needs to be saved, but photoshop greys out the little image icon in the header when the file hasn't been saved.

That's because OS X puts an icon in EVERY header all the time for applications that use them. It's the same in Illustrator 10.

I find it hilarious that everybody thinks this is a fake. It is not. It's the real deal. Jeesh - everybody is crying for Photoshop for OS X, and when they finally see it, they don't believe it.

Just wait, come February you'll all be singing a different tune.

"Hmmm... This CD jacket looks a little odd. Maybe it's not the REAL version of Photoshop for OS X- maybe it's a FAKE!"

has any serious photoshop user ( such as myself ) given thought to the fact that the color scheme of Aqua is going to drastically compromise your work?

That's what the Graphite variation is for. If there is too much Blue for you, just select Graphite and you have a color neutral theme.

If you feel the drop shadows are too much, you can submit feedback to Apple at, or use the ShadowKiller hack to disable them.

Personally, I'd like Apple to provide a theme variation on Aqua, much like Graphite, but that would also darken up all the white to a shade of grey like good ol Platinum. Every thing else would stay the same, just darken up the white. I know this has already been achieved with Unlined Charcoal and a few others, but I'd like to see an Apple sanctioned version of it.
A couple things..

1) That screen shot is definitely from Mac OS X 10.1. You don't even need to rely on subtle differences in the Apple logo for the Apple menu. How about looking at the OTHER side of the menu bar (HINT: SYSTEM MENUS).

2) That's a pretty damned convincing "fake" if you ask me. But I think it's real. All those things that you mentioned are probably problems with the UI. Also, I believe that with TinkerTool you can change the size of the System Font (maybe I'm wrong). But again, JPEGs degrade images, so that might be the problem.

3) Stop complaining about not being able to theme the GUI when you actually can. It's called MetaMorph X. Although it does have some serious bugs, and you shouldn't use any themes that are not compatible with OS X 10.1, it is definitely possible. It's not like themes in OS 9 were ever used that much -- Kaliedoscope was much more possible. To whoever complains about not being able to theme: a) Use MetaMorph X. If you hate that, then b) shut up and program your own theming application, because it's clearly possible. I really am getting annoyed by people who say there's a "monopoly" by Aqua. Plus, I don't see how three freaking little window widgets can make your pictures look so much worse. It's just like people who are lamenting over the fact that they can't get 590 fps like their friend can, when they can only get 540 fps.
A developer has replaced the Aqua theme with something amazing. It's called Sosumi, and it looks like the attached screenshot.

It can be downloaded from:
Originally posted by dlookus

2.The close button has the dot indicating that the file needs to be saved, but photoshop greys out the little image icon in the header when the file hasn't been saved.

The icon grey out "feature" is already on version 6.

Some OS X native apps don't have the 'dot on red' feature.