Originally posted by chevy
So, what is the opensoftware base of Safari ? No Gecko ?
Originally posted by Giaguara
Why does safari identidy itself as Mozilla if it is NOT Gecko???![]()
Originally posted by edX
ksv - it is a crappy cramera, but it's a cheap crappy camera. it is the Cool-iCam. it doesn't have a flash, lousy auto sensor, and high resolution is only 352x288 pixels. i got it from a special offer that came with my credit card statement about a year and a half ago - when decent cameras still cost $300 and up. getting a new digital camera is #1 on my wish list right now, but the money is still an issue and so it will wait. i also enlarged the pics a small bit with GC to make them distinguishable. i may not have done the best job. but at least you can tell what is in most of them.![]()
Originally posted by edX
ksv - it is a crappy cramera, but it's a cheap crappy camera. it is the Cool-iCam. it doesn't have a flash, lousy auto sensor, and high resolution is only 352x288 pixels. i got it from a special offer that came with my credit card statement about a year and a half ago - when decent cameras still cost $300 and up. getting a new digital camera is #1 on my wish list right now, but the money is still an issue and so it will wait. i also enlarged the pics a small bit with GC to make them distinguishable. i may not have done the best job. but at least you can tell what is in most of them.![]()
yep there were 3 stations that had THPS3Originally posted by Trip
1) Did any of the gaming stations come with THPS3? I really want a better look at that game on the mac.
Originally posted by edX
nope trip, no more cheap cameras for me. i want to save and get a nice one or hope for one under next years yule tree as macluv said. no more dealing with anything that isn't almost everything i want it to be. too much wasted money that could be saved towards the real deal.
Originally posted by MacLuv
Ed, I know you used to run a rag, are you into photography?