Pictures from MWSF

Giaguarra - i was only in the games area first thing in the morning and last thing at nite. the pics were shot around 5:50 pm, 10 mins before the day closed. it had filled up pretty quickly in the morning though.
ed! you had a camera and you didn't take a pic of you am me at the internet café :mad: :o :p oh well it was cool meeting our administrator
2 questions:

1) Did any of the gaming stations come with THPS3? I really want a better look at that game on the mac.

2) Did anybody stop by Panic's booth? I really wanted to see some pictures of them. :(
jet - about the time ihit the escalator i thought about getting a pic of you. i even doubled back and looked all around for you - kept my out for you or your mom all day. no luck. sorry my friend. next time :D

trip - i stopped by panic's booth. they handed out a cdrom with demos was about it. nothing impressive other wise.
Cool pictures, nice to see what I can look forward to until the day I'll go to a MacWorld expo :)
What camera do you have, btw? The picture quality seems rather crappy...
Originally posted by Giaguara
Why does safari identidy itself as Mozilla if it is NOT Gecko??? :confused:

That's pretty weird.
From the php test page on my server,, when loading from Safari:

HTTP_USER_AGENT Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/48 (like Gecko) Safari/48

ksv - it is a crappy cramera, but it's a cheap crappy camera. it is the Cool-iCam. it doesn't have a flash, lousy auto sensor, and high resolution is only 352x288 pixels. i got it from a special offer that came with my credit card statement about a year and a half ago - when decent cameras still cost $300 and up. getting a new digital camera is #1 on my wish list right now, but the money is still an issue and so it will wait. i also enlarged the pics a small bit with GC to make them distinguishable. i may not have done the best job. but at least you can tell what is in most of them. :p
Originally posted by edX
ksv - it is a crappy cramera, but it's a cheap crappy camera. it is the Cool-iCam. it doesn't have a flash, lousy auto sensor, and high resolution is only 352x288 pixels. i got it from a special offer that came with my credit card statement about a year and a half ago - when decent cameras still cost $300 and up. getting a new digital camera is #1 on my wish list right now, but the money is still an issue and so it will wait. i also enlarged the pics a small bit with GC to make them distinguishable. i may not have done the best job. but at least you can tell what is in most of them. :p

ok, so it's not just poor photographing skills :p

Well, you could sell "info on how to get a free digital camera" on ebay for $5, and tell the buyers to do the same as you did until they've earned enough for a digital camera. There are a lot of examples of this on ebay, it's funny how easy it is to fool people :D
Originally posted by edX
ksv - it is a crappy cramera, but it's a cheap crappy camera. it is the Cool-iCam. it doesn't have a flash, lousy auto sensor, and high resolution is only 352x288 pixels. i got it from a special offer that came with my credit card statement about a year and a half ago - when decent cameras still cost $300 and up. getting a new digital camera is #1 on my wish list right now, but the money is still an issue and so it will wait. i also enlarged the pics a small bit with GC to make them distinguishable. i may not have done the best job. but at least you can tell what is in most of them. :p

Well, maybe if you're a good boy, Santa will bring you something special next season. ;)
Just do what i a cheap $100 HP. They're cheap and not too good...but they'll do. :)
nope trip, no more cheap cameras for me. i want to save and get a nice one or hope for one under next years yule tree as macluv said. no more dealing with anything that isn't almost everything i want it to be. too much wasted money that could be saved towards the real deal.
Originally posted by Trip
1) Did any of the gaming stations come with THPS3? I really want a better look at that game on the mac.
yep there were 3 stations that had THPS3
THE GAME ROCKS!!! it was really fast and the graphics like 100 times better then 2

but i played the game better then the Aspyr demo dude and got a shirt for it ^^ :D it will be ready to ship in under 3 week and i pre-ordered it
Originally posted by edX
nope trip, no more cheap cameras for me. i want to save and get a nice one or hope for one under next years yule tree as macluv said. no more dealing with anything that isn't almost everything i want it to be. too much wasted money that could be saved towards the real deal.

Ed, I know you used to run a rag, are you into photography?
Originally posted by MacLuv
Ed, I know you used to run a rag, are you into photography?

not near as much as i used to be. i started in high school with an interest in writing and photography. in high school i had my own b&w darkroom. i even got a few shots in the yearbook. later when i owned the rag, i had a nice Ricoh 35mm with a nice zoom lens and a flash that would light up a concert hall. i've still got them around here somewhere. these days i like the convience of point and click. and while i still go to great lengths to compose my subject as best i can with the limitations of viewfinders, i like the idea that i can trim my mistakes digitally rather than in the darkroom or on the print order. i have tons of stuff i've shot in the old days - of concerts, nightclubs and other entertainment events. it would be a big project to scan them. but then again, i suppose i'll need something to do in my old age :D
major scanning activities are on hold til i at least have os x scanning capabilities. maybe longer.