Pictures from MWSF

Luckily I was using a SCSI scanner with my PC before I got the Mac, so I took that opportunity when I got the Mac to get a USB scanner. I got an Agfa since at the time they were one of the few to have OS X drivers. Except for the fact that I had to get three for it to finally scan correctly, it works fine and was pretty cheap.

Does yours not even work with VueScan or whatever that software is called?
Nice pics Ed...thanks for the inside expo look. :)

What kind of free things do you walk away with during these kind of events? How did you make out in terms of freebies?

I wouldn't be suprised if there were some famous people at the expo who are mac fans as well. See any "celebrities" trying out the new stuff?
I was hoping to run into Sinbad again this year, but there were no celebs around when I went on Wednesday.