Platinum Theme ( - "The one with Susan..."

Well, I guess we'd have skipped on that one, Pengu. However: The term 'Susan' helped getting rid of the earlier 'war' I obviously started (which I didn't want...) about several metal hues and differences... I took the chance to pick up Susan (now that sounds good, too!) where you left her and the thread got back on track, so that's good.
I didn't leave her.. I just forgot her.. like a tramp in the gutter.... oh wait. did i say that out loud?
One thing that interested me was this snapshot from AppleInsider, showing the Mail Preferences:

There are some interesting innovations implied here, such as iCal/Mail integration (which was inevitable) and some sort of mail encryption. Hopefully this will be PGP or GnuPG based, which would be the most useful to me, though an Apple specific encryption that only works for other 10.4 users is a distinct possibility.

As for the different themes, I do like the look of Susan, I hate Brushed Metal, but my favourite is still the toned-down Aqua theme introduced in 10.3
there is encrytion in mail now as well, if you go to you can register and get a certificate for free that alows you to digitally sign your messages, once you have sent a message that is signed, the recipient can send you encrypted messages. I posted a how-to about 6 months ago about this - go search for it! I have been using it for some time! Incredibly easy, just a small icon appears on the compose message window, alowing you to sign or (if you have the recipients certificate) encrypt the message - if you want you can pm me and i will send you an email so you can see...
Its not OSX related but Apple should "fix" the horrendous Windows Quicktime interface ( and the perferences/quicktime tray icon BTW) and adjust it to the Windows itunes look. Quicktime for Windows still looks like "5 years ago" and thats one of the biggest reasons most people don't want to use it.

I would like to know why do some people think that default aqua has a low contrast?

For example:
There is a black line around the title title bar which results in a nice contrast. The sunken in controls buttons (close, minimize to dock and maximize) all have nice shadows or gray bars around them. So, these elements manage to distinguish themself from the background. Where is the problem?

(There might be the reason that most aqua elements have better contrast on my ibook lcd screen)
the brushed metal is not going away. its a shame that some ppl who either have no taste or any clue in the design department or both, keep on complaining bout brushed metal.

the platinum theme is a nice idea to replace the rest of the cheap aqua theme (eg :)
soulseek: if you're being sarcastic, you should add a ;) smiley to your post. if not, i think you're being quite aggressive to all those graphics artists that despise brushed metal as a viable theme for a professional operating system.
if u want OS X to look more professional turn on graphite...
this is how OS X looks:) and its beautiful :)

im not sayin that i would say 'NO' to theme and colour changes in OS X , but im not asking for them either. the os is beautiful and professional enough as it is!!!

look at the competition (windows XP).... they have a rainbow-clown-look-a-like theme for their OS .. its damn ugly. and if u turn that off to make it more professional and simpler ... its just as ugly if not uglier....
sure kendall and Balmer might like it.... but if u got brains and good taste.. then u realise its Damn UGGGLy .. :)
I'd GLADLY take that credit, MacMuppet. ;-) Although I'm sure they wouldn't do that just for me, eh? But *IF* so, I should talk more about a subnotebook by Apple and, of course, a Newton III. ;-)
Btw.: It's quite clear now that Susan will be a part-time replacement for Aqua... Three styles, really? I don't quite like the thought...
I'm surprised the name susan has lasted this long.. i like it!

(and my boss' name just happens to be susan.....)
Well, I think it's gonna be rather a inside joke. I don't think anyone outside of has picked up on the name for the theme yet. ;)