Please don't call it a Macintosh

Well, basically the Mac cards offer what Apple needs. On the PC side you get _that_ but also a lot of cheaper cards. Plus more highend cards, too. You simply have more choice, and that's what's been lacking on the Mac side, quite clearly. (Plus the prices were off.)
fjdouse said:
I love the way people are making predictions about the video chipset!! On what basis? I see the situation being no different than today unless Apple does everything I don't want them to do and start churning out PC compatibles...

On the basis that Intel pumps out more CPUs than IBM does. Hence, you'll see newer products from Mac more often. Instead of waiting for nvidia or ati to make a special mac video card, why not use what PC's use? Nvidia and ATI make more video cards for the pc market at a much faster rate than their mac counter parts. You won't see mac compatibles built because Apple has the rights to the mac and control what machine has os x running on it. I doubt they'll screw up like IBM did with IBM compatibles...
I was as surprised as most people about the Chip change.

However, I got over it in a few minutes. I really think some of you guys need to get outside a bit more. There are far more important things in life.

To help sum it up, our entire household has a Mac each (2 Powerbooks and 2 iBooks), I told the other three what was happening and the responses I got were...

'So what?'
'I don't really care'.
'Did you get the milk?'

These are normal, everyday Mac users who just use it because the OS is easier to pick up and far more superior to others, NOT because of the chip inside.

I do think this wil harm sales for Apple, but not too greatly, the Regent Street Apple store is still booming. In fact, I'd say 80% of customers haven't even heard what is going on, and quite frankly wouldn't give a stuff if they did.

Just by the fact we are in this forum means we are in a niche of people who love Macs.

The rest of the general public really don't follow whats happening, and never will.
IBM is not kinda give up.. Xbox 360, PS3, and other will have 3.2ghz from IBM. The main problem the price is very expensive compared to Intel. Thats why Apple decided go for Intel.
price? yes. it's nothing to do with IBM focussing on CPUs for a) high-end SERVER markets and embedded markets like consoles. that is nothing to do with it at all!

steve is putting us through all of this, just to save $2.00 per CPU.

grow a brain.
I'm not even sure what or whom you're attacking right now, Pengu. But that doesn't really matter. I'm pretty sure it wasn't _one_ thing that made Steve switch to intel this time. But _about_ the pricing... NYT said it was that IBM asked more money to even _develop_ future PowerPC processors aimed at desktops and notebooks. So even if the PPC 970fx costs more or less the same as a highend Xeon processor... But like I said. There's more than enough reasons. Price. Development costs. Custom R&D around the chips. Switching more Windows users. IBM not delivering year over year. And certainly Steve Jobs' ego was also part of it. He doesn't like to have to apologise in public for a mistake IBM made. Or two. Or again. And neither would you...
IBM is not kinda give up.. Xbox 360, PS3, and other will have 3.2ghz from IBM. The main problem the price is very expensive compared to Intel. Thats why Apple decided go for Intel.

that is the post i was referring to... money will most likely be a factor, but not a price for each CPU, more like a price to continue developing a CPU that is going the other way to what you want (embedded markets, and highly-customised for consoles..)
BOOOONNGNNGGGNGNGGdoodeedooding? NOOO!!! that's terrible! that must be removed! then again, you should only hear that every 6 months or so.... :P
LOL! Honestly Im think I kind of like the new jingle. Of course it's not the awesome usual Mac start up chime but it's kinda nice.

God knows I'd take it over having an Intel Inside sticker.
Great eh? LOL!

Lt Major Burns, I do declare dear sir, you have added BONNNNNNGNGGGGG!! to the Mac vocabulary ;-)
isn'tthat indication of something seroius? then again, if it works fine other'n that, then nothings to worry about is it?

actually now i've looked at the site satcomer pasted to me, it looks like you could have turned it off.... have you?
My PB's start chime's been on and off lately, too. I think this has only happened with Tiger for me... But then I don't often reboot, anyway, and it could just be a stray error of some kind...