Poll: What's the best E-Mail client?

What's the best E-Mail client application for Mac OS X?

  • Microsoft Entourage

  • Eudora

  • Apple Mail

  • Netscape

  • Mozilla

Results are only viewable after voting.
Netscape and Mozilla might be the same thing, but its users may have different philosophies and be angry about not counting them separately. Just count them together if you want. :)
ya know, I've been through every graphical mail client on this poll as well as a few others, and I keep coming back to pine over ssh.

Am I the only one??

I wanna use Apple mail but I can't - it has seemingly no support for international character sets like Korean or Japanese. Even on OS 10.1.3 with all the language sets installed.

But then again, multiple language input has always been inconsistent on the Mac. Unfortunately, this is a case where Windows 2000 is far ahead. For example, I can neither receive nor send in Asian characters in MSN Messenger. You can't change encodings when reading email in Apple Mail. Yet the crippled OS X version of ICQ can do foreign characters, although it's still not as well supported as in the Windows side. The other day, a friend sent me some Korean pop MP3s via Mac ICQ and the file name came up all gibberish. She ICQ'd them to me on the W2K machine, and the characters showed up all fine! Yet if I insert a Utada Hikaru CD, iTunes rips them and correctly displays the Japanese song titles and other tags! It's very frustrating how unevenly multiple language support is implemented.
Originally posted by alexrd
Am I the only one??

Nope, I tend to use pine myself when I'm on my Nokia Communicator. And sometimes when I'm on slow connections, I'm surfing via SSH only, anyway... But I guess the poll has its rights like this, too.
I have to grudgingly agree that M$ Entourage is the best (for now, anyway). The main factor in my chosing it is the ability to create rules with multiple criteria.
I'm actually using both Entourage and Mail.app (for different accounts), and with Entourage I have succeeded in blocking 99.99% of spam messages. Also, Spamcop.com keeps telling me that messages I forward from Mail.app don't have the headers included, when they definitely do.
I personally can't stand Entourage. It just has too much crap that i don't need, and it's too slow and it's made by Microsoft. :)

Apple Mail and the Address Book give me all the features I need for E-mail and contacts.

about sums it up. even though i have been known to use other, more gooeyish MUAs. At one point in time, elm w/MIME was good.

Mail.app is not bad, but it really needs something in front of it; procmail does nicely.
Mail works just fine for me. I just could use some more filters in the 10.2 version. I used to use Outlook when I used OS 9, but then switched to Eudora.
Why is there the option of Netscape then the option of mozilla? They are the *same thing*. A moderator should delete netscape just leave mozilla and add mailsmith or something...
Originally posted by ladavacm
Mail.app is not bad, but it really needs something in front of it; procmail does nicely.

I agree. I just set this up a few days ago, and using SpamBouncer with procmail is great; it's a little overly zealous about labelling things spam, but it's still better than anything I've seen before, and I'm configuring it to be better as we speak.
Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail. Mail.

There. Have I said enough?;)
I love Mail.app, but they need to fix their searching. It only lets me search the currently selected folder? If I know which folder to look in, I don't need to search! On top of which, it gives weird results. I don't know what's up.