Possible iTunes 5.0 bugs


In Geostationary Orbit
I think i have may discovered two bugs in the new itunes 5.0 Application. The first bug is iTunes sharing will not happen unless a person has selected the Radio selected in the iTunes General Preference . The second bug has to do with Podcasts. The podcasts will now also appear in the general Library display of iTunes, besides the Podcasts tab selection. I have submitted a bug report to Apple with the Feedback page. If you see the same with your iTunes 5.0, I urge you also to submit bug reports to Apple.
Satcomer said:
The second bug has to do with Podcasts. The podcasts will now also appear in the general Library display of iTunes, besides the Podcasts tab selection.

I believe this was also the case with iTunes 4.9, if I remember correctly. Hey, iTunes needs a place to store all these podcasts, why not keep them in the library (considering that the purpose of the Library is to hold ALL of your digital medial; be it audio book, music, music video, or podcast)?
the podcasts in the library is not a bug, but a much requested feature.
Zoom works for me, have you changed the default keys to something that interfers with itunes own shortcuts?
I found the answers to what I thought was a Podcasts bug (Decado pointed this out - thanks). Thanks to macTV videocast has episode #39 (as a Podcast or Quicktime download) that has a video tutorial that explains a lot with iTunes 5.0 and syncing Podcast to the iPod for proper play of said Podcast on the iPod with the folders addition. It is really worth a look (even if you don't have an iPod).