post-MacWorld laptop purchase decisions...


Okay, I waited,and now MacWorld has come and gone.

I currently have a G4 Powerbook, and am looking to upgrade my laptop.

I kinda sorta thought that maybe the Macbook Pro would get upgrades around this time, but it didn't happen, so now it's decision time!

I would be using this laptop as my main computer (as I do now with the Powerbook).

My question is, MacBook or MacBook Pro? What are the main factors that should influence that decision?

MacBuyers guide says do not buy a MacBook Pro now.

Whichever machine I get, I would be maxing out the ram, as I tend to run many apps simultaneously, enough that my current laptop bogs down occasionally.

I do want a small laptop though, as I would be carrying it around a lot as a student. If I also planned to have a desktop at home I would get the Macbook Air... But I don't. This will be my only machine. I would likely get the 12", or smallest MacBook Pro.

I like the aluminum on my current Powerbook, and I think I would miss it if I were to go to a MacBook, but not sure how much I should let that influence my decision.

Okay, enough babbling, what do you guys think? Maybe someone out there had similar thoughts and can share their opinion!

Thanks for any advice!
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The MacBook is a really good Mac notebook. The only thing not going for them is the video card. Unless you are going to be crunching video or Photoshop work the MacBook will be a good choice.
Ah, so the major difference in the Powerbook is the graphics card.

I won't be doing any video editing at all, so that graphics card would be wasted on me.

I am tempted to go with the Black Macbook for the extra memory, but I hear some people complain that it seems like some kind of cheesy pricing scheme to make the black seem more "elite". I mean, they could have offered the white with the same specs right?

I think I'll be going with a mat display, maxed out ram, smallest size display macbook. Not sure if white or black. I'll be selling my Powerbook in order to trade up.

Looking forward to the new OS!
The black one has a bit bigger hard drive too etc.
As the average time between the model upgrades has been 6 months (was stable for years with iBooks) to 9 months (MacBook + Pros) if you aren't in a hurry, maybe a few more weeks of wait won't hurt, in case they come with the most perfect thing ever.
But if you need and want it now, go with the MacBook. The wait for the new updates can take quite a while sometimes.
if you aren't in a hurry, maybe a few more weeks of wait won't hurt, in case they come with the most perfect thing ever

You know what. I'm not in a hurry actually. Maybe I should perserver for a bit and see what is on the horizon. If they do release a new MacBook Pro, I would be all over that...

I'll give this some thought.
I have the white higher end MacBook and it's worked great for me. I installed a Wester Digital 260 GB hard drive and upped the RAM to 3GB, but that's it.
I do a little video editing using Final Cut Express, and have had no problems with it. I couldn't be happier, to be honest.
Of course, I do get tempted to buy a Pro, but only because I like newest, best gadgets, lol ... however this machine more than meets all my needs.
You wont go wrong in buying one.
Consider the peripherals you currently own or will need in the future. For example, I have a significant investment in FireWire hard drives. The lack of FireWire on the new MacBook Air definitely dissuades me from purchasing one. Go with the hardware that will meet your needs a few years from now.
I waited for Macworld. Nothing for me, so today I have just got home with a Black MacBook 160Gb hard drive and 2GB of RAM. Plus the Parallels software. :)