bossa nova
Originally posted by azosx
My bad. Why did M$ cross the road? To get to the other side and eat up the last 3% of market share that was Apple. *rimshot*
Honestly though, threads like this only farm ignorance and close mindedness and contributes to Mac vs PC flames down the road. Windows users as a whole don't bash Macs or Apple. Is it market share envy that brings out this silliness in Mac users? I dunno.
If some of you actually ran Windows 2000 or XP Professional on some descent PC hardware, maybe you'd see it's a hell of a lot better than OS 9 and just as good or better than OS X in a lot of ways.
AZ...good point on the comments begetting more negative comments. But I do have to disagree with you about Mac users being the ones who do all the bashing. All I hear at work everyday -week after week, over and over is bashing on the Mac platform by the pc guys from several departments. (Not just the techs either) in fact I would say they get the pompous and condescending award.
As far as running Win2k on decent hardware
I would probably draw the following parallels:
Mac OS 7/Windows 95
Mac OS 8 and 9/Windows 98 (98 is very unstable any PC tech will admit this)
Mac OS X / Windows 2000 (Both are great OS's, but I prefer to use OS X)
Now for my joke:
2 pc techs were delegated the task to go out and purchase software and a pci card to import video from a DV cam into a pc so that clips of interviews could be created.
The 2 techs researched for days reading page after page of the best dv video cards and finally chose a card that thought would be the best one of the bunch. The went to the local chain that appeared to have the card at the best price and purchased it. Upon returning they installed the card and plugged in the camera. They read three pages of directions and finally gave the video import a trial run. BUT! It was No Go! They continued trouble shooting for THREE DAYS fooling with IRQ's and Registry entries with no success. The card would not work with the camera or software.
In the afternoon of the third day a Mac tech in the outer office walked and asked if he could make a suggestion and if they both agreed they had to try his suggestion without any remarks or arguments. The pc techs agreed.
One of the pc techs also had a mac he used on occasion to demo things before installing on macs, so the Mac tech suggested he open iMovie on the mac and then plug the camera.
He did so and as he connected the camera, iMovie flashed on the screen "Camera Connected"
The Mac tech just smiled.
The pc techs manipulated the forward, reverse and play keys and also imported some video. In short they were able to do in mere seconds what they had tried to do on their pc for three days.
....Now the punchline of this joke:
This is no joke. I was the Mac tech in the story and it's true. I suggested they ship a mac to the office that would need the camera setup and they said. No that will not happen.
The sad fact is this. When Beta was released as a video format, VHS eventually won out becuase it had more market share and was cheaper to manufacture and purchase. This doesn't mean VHS was a superior format - just that becuase of consumer momentum it won out.
I enjoy computers even machines that run Windows. But to me Macs are more enjoyable and less "Glitchy". I also think that pc's have a tendency to be assembled from a batch of "Low Bids" I find it hard to imagine a Mac being assembled from cheap parts.
I hope everyone didn't mind my "joke" off the thread topic.
Have a nice day!