Post your OS X.1 Desktop Pics!!!!

Originally posted by kingLatency

I love your dock! Did you make that yourself or did someone else. I'f have a nice dock like that, but I rock mine transparent!

I didn't make my dock. Well I did make it transparent and add a drop shadow to it, I also added the appz etc... but beyond that it's a normal dock.

animated <a href="">Xmas Lights</a>
animated <a href="">Sno</a>
animated <a href="">Wreath in the Dock</a>
x-mas <a href="">desktop picture</a> (I made one of The Grinch available on that page too)
and <a href="">Transparent Dock</a>

Merry cheesy x-mas! :D


  • jade_x-mas_desktop.jpg
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Here's my current screen shot.

The background image is from Digital Blasphemy and is called Luminal Stasis. Looks like "the perfect aqua picture".



  • picture 1.jpg
    picture 1.jpg
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Here is the desktop on my new iBook G3 500 with 384 RAM and a CD-RW/DVD drive! :D
I've been wanting to do this, but I have a hard time finding desktop pics. I had to reduce the quality to 12 in graphic Converter to get the pix under the size limit... *sigh*


  • meemberjavintosh.jpg
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hehe... u did check the "About this Mac" Dint U?!
Hehe... thats why its Different...
its a real nice alpha blended animated cursor set... looks Good....
Holla Back, after ya check my pic again!

hehe, U noticed?!
Well, i love The Mac OS X GUI... It Kicks Luna's Ass...
BUT, @ The Same Time...When it comes to Running Return 2 Castle Wolfenstein on Athlon XP1800, 1024 DDR RAM, GeForce 3, What betta!?

So i now have the unique Blend...

The only bad thing left, is the Ugly Exterior to my PC... I'd love to Make my PC Components, fit in a Mac Tower Case, i heard Some dude did it, but it weren't easy...

Anyway, Referring 2 Tha Pic...
Hmmm... Yeah, my System Is Most Def, Windows XP...LOL
Thats why its SOoooo Different....

But i have Sooo many things which make it look Close 2 OS X... Cus i love it...

i have a Modded MSN (4.6) With Aqua icons, which were Reg Hacked... There's Loads.... Even Default Folders Icons, it's all Good!

What D'ya think?!

Can i assume, i am welcome among you guys!?
I was Xpecting u guys 2 Be like...Arrggghhh WINDOWS SCUM! LOL!
Holla Back

Originally posted by ~~NeYo~~

Can i assume, i am welcome among you guys!?
I was Xpecting u guys 2 Be like...Arrggghhh WINDOWS SCUM! LOL!
Holla Back


lol, neyo, everyone's welcome here ... :p
as far as i can see there's absolutely no 'anti-pc users' climate amongst mac afficionados, it's mostly the windows people that patronize us, not the other way round, in fact there's quite a few regulars here that have pcs running linux or windows at work ... :)
and you're certainly one of the more interesting windows guys that have turned up at this board ... so you're running xp with an os x gui? ... interesting...
how did you get the dock running on xp? does it actually work or does it just look nice?

btw, return to wolfenstein runs just fine on my machine ... you ought to testride a mac, there's a LOT more to os x than just the nice gui!
*shakes head in bewilderment at the fascinating stuff one comes across...* :D
Well, too be Completly Honest, i fell in love With OS X, and Since have been like... Shud i get a Mac?!
But then, i was like, or shud i just upgrade this PC instead?!
I have never used a mac B4... And Really work my opinions, upon what i have heard...
So, what Spec is capable of running games like that!?
and I mean, D'ya need a Special CD?! Or just use normal PC-CD-ROM Disc?!

I Am Way Outta my depth... but wanna learn, Cus i am Tempted...
Holla back...

A Dude, that Loves XP as Well...


... well, just check my specs at the bottom of my post ... that's the low-range (cheapest) powermac with just a bit of extra ram added ... :)
normal pc-cd-roms won't work on a mac, unless you've got virtual pc or something running, but you can get mac versions of all the relevant stuff, plus there's a lot of really cool os x software you won't get for pc ...

maybe you should start a thread of your own where we can give you all the info on macs and os x before we fill up this one with non-desktop-related stuff :p
if you're tempted, cool! check out other threads for all the stuff you can do on a mac, in my opinion it's really way ahead of anything a pc is capable of ... :p
Just sayin Hi and welcome to NeYo and any other new members...

if anyone's interested have a look at my Deskcam for a live shot of my desktop. :-) some new changes not too much.... I'm still stuck on the blue.
