Poster's Semi-Anonymous

ebolag4: Who said anything about leaving? I'm just going to try not to post 18 messages per day....

Doh! There I go again!
Theres nothing wrong with 18 messages a day, as long as they are thoughtful.

And speaking of posting at the wrong times, maybe I should get back to my computer class instead of posting here :).

Although I can' do anything now because its busy capturing some video of my circuit from a dv camera.
I can handle my posting, honest I can! I don't need no stinkin' 12-step support group!
I can control myself. I can limit myself to one post a day. Unless there's something important that I can add. Or something witty. Or I see a thread that looks neglected. Or...
I'm just really glad you didn't use the 'sm' word there.

Uh, you know, the naughty word.

What? Never heard of it? *sigh*


I would've posted more if we had a Mac overclocking/mod forum, or a general technical/electronics/radio forum instad of that stupid Apple II forum :rolleyes: :D
OK, that's an other discussion.

1,62 posts per day average here, I'm not quite the largest poster ;)
perhaps not ksv, but you have longevity working for you and that counts for alot. and considering that you have had some good spurts of posting in the last few months, you must have spent a lot of your earlier time lurking. ;)

i, for one, am glad you decided to speak up. your comments are often very entertaining.:p
Speaking of longevity, how long have these forms been up? Like November 2000 or so, right? That's the earliest registered members I've ever seen.

As for posts, I've been on a few posting spree's the last few weeks, I skyrocketed past 300 starting this April :D
Hi, my name is Twyg, and I've been a somewhat controlled poster. As of late I've started picking up the pace. I'm glad that I've found people like me. For so long I've been out there mostly by myself. To illustrate I was on the elevator today and a gentleman in a suit asked me why I would ever want to buy a mac. *sniffle* /me chokes up a little...

Anyway, I'm here now, and glad to be amongst good people.

/me sips his coffee, makes a putrid face, spits it out (hiding the fact that he spit it out) and lights a cig. Just as he lights it he puts it out...

God, now I know why I quit both of these things... yech...
At least coffee and cigarettes are easy to quit... Especially for someone never addicted to them. I was addicted to espresso for a while, but I got over that.

But Twyg -- do random people walk up to you and ask why you would want to buy a mac? Is there something about you that makes people say this? ;) I'm picturing you walking around with one of those big signs, which normally say "The End of the World is Near". But instead yours says "Ask me about my Macintosh"

OK, since people are picking up the pace here, I will pick up my pace too.

xoot, the insane poster, is back!
OK, there we've got xoot's image ;)

Hehe, thanks Ed, I need people like you :)

I think the boards were started September 2000 if I'm not wrong. But we talked a lot about that in an other thread in the Site News forum, so let's not repeat that. Go there and see :)

Twyg obviously couldn't figure out if he was typing in the email reader, IRC client or web browser :p
Originally posted by ksv
Twyg obviously couldn't figure out if he was typing in the email reader, IRC client or web browser :p

ICE - The new application for Mac OS X - Means: Irc Chimera Eudora

Too bad it's alpha. ;)
Hi, i'm xoot and I am also a postaholic. (Takes a sip of the coffee.) I can't stop posting because some other people are postaholics too.

This may be a unique problem. :D
hi, my name is sithious and i tend to post when i feel i can contribute something interesting to a discussion or help someone with a problem.
why people should post just for the sake of achieving a high post count evades me. weird.
Yes, Sithious, I can attest to that. You most always contribute positively to a disscussion and your posts are always relevant. Sithious is the model poster! :)
I don't know if this is exactly "something to contribute," but I just wanted to say that Sithious's avatar looks like Michael Stipe in a Jedi outfit.

Oops, there's a meeting going on.

Um, hi, my name is Valrus, and I post... sometimes... um. Only when I think I have something valuable or funny to say, though. And usually the latter. Um...

Whoa, what's that?!?!

*runs away*

-the valrus