Power Mac G3 Setup locks


I have done a search and haven't found anything within this category. I will also be checking the software section.

I have finally got my hands on a macintosh computer! Starting to learn how to use the system will mot likely be fun. It is an old old machine yeah but I would assume you have to start somewhere.

Basically I have already discovered its REV 1 which makes things a little worse off to boot.

I have a dvd/cd rom drive in the machine atm along with 448MB of ram its the 300MHz Blue and White tower.

I can boot onto the 8.6 OS disc I was given with it no problems. The issues I encounter is when I run the drive setup to get a hdd ready for installing the os; It locks up. Done. Can't go further.

I have tried the IDE 30GB I was given with it along with an 80, and put in a sata pci card, trying a 40gb sata.

Any help would be greatly appreciated; I really want to see this thing up and running! ):


To add i have tried getting copies of other os' from 9 to 10.3/4 because I was told maybe they would load. I get nothing from them. I would assume there is a firmware update to be done to go to those operating systems so booting onto the 8.6 seems to be the only option atm.
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Here's the only firmware update available for your G3:

Installing the OS can be tricky on that B&W Mac. Try removing RAM, until you have only one chip, and that chip is 256 MB. You should be able to install 10.3, which is a good match for the hardware, I think.
The 80GB HD should be OK. Make sure the drive's jumpers are set to make it a master, and not cable select.
You should be able to boot to the 10.3 CD. Run Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. You can select the hard drive, then click the Erase tab, and erase the hard drive, making sure that the format is MacOS Extended (journaled). You may not see the hard drive until you do that Erase first. Then, quit Disk Utility, which will return you to the installer. Continue on with the 10.3 install.
Run Software Update to get your OS X system fully updated.
Reinstall the extra RAM when you are done with the installs. Might be a good plan to find some 256MB chips to fully update your Mac to 4 x 256 MB - total of 1GB.
the drives have been set to master all the time (30/80) if both dvd rom and hdd are set to master but on diff cables, that wont do anything will it?

I only have access to a torrented 10.3 and I don't even know if it works :/ so really My best bet is figuring out where I'm stuck at currently unless you know of something etc.

I will how ever try removing the ram as well. Its labelled as starting with 64mb before I guess the previous owner added. There are 3 apple 64 MB sticks along with 1 kingston 256.

I'll be open to extra input/help and will post my results later.

10.3 would be on 3 CDs. The disk #3 is almost never used - it has a variety of older printer software, and a couple of other odds'n'ends that most users don't need. So, if the torrent will create those disks for you, I expect it should work. I will say I've seen a fair amount of bad torrents, so YMMV. Keep in mind that this support site calls OS X torrents an unlicensed distribution, and isn't going to help you with that part, unless you can locate a real Apple installer set.

My main objection to the B&W G3 is the early version of FireWire on that model won't allow booting to Firewire, which restricts you to only a couple of different methods for installing OS X.
An older optical drive (the DVD-rom that you have) might also be flaky. You can install a brand new DVD burner for less than $40 - and get a much faster drive as part of the replacement.
Great news! I got it booting, I had to change the dvd rom for a cdrw/dvd rom combo. SO it was that drive that was glitching. The 30 gb turned out to be bad as it kept giving errors during installation. I used my 80gb and it loads up no problem. thank you so much for the help! :)
Any pointers on how to get this thing onto my highspeed? I assume theres some sort of settings/setup. I tried to attempt the setup on the system but seemed half greek to me :P Is this the same connection style as if using a PC?

Also if anyone knows; Is it possible to just add a pci 10/100/1000 card? DLink.