Powerbook G4 Superdrive Issues


Hey all,

I'm having problems with my Superdrive. It won't burn CDs half of the time, this seems to be completely random. The problem persists with Toast, Disk Copy, iTunes, iPhoto, in Panther as well as in Classic.

It's a Medium Sense Error or something like that. Waiting a while and repeatedly restarting the application you're trying to use to burn the CD works (I'm going to post a screenshot of the error msg asap but I just got it to work and I don't want to mess it up just yet)

So, did you ever try different media? How does it behave with CDRWs or DVDs? Any probs watching DVDs or playing CDs?
Did you repair permissions?
Zammy-Sam said:
So, did you ever try different media? How does it behave with CDRWs or DVDs? Any probs watching DVDs or playing CDs?
Did you repair permissions?

I also suggest that the original poster try different media.

I used to get MEDIA SENSE errors from Toast when i bought some cheapo, no name, DVD-R's online.

My PowerBook's superdrive seems to like Sony cd/dvd media (even with a hacked firmware to let it burn dvd's at 2x)
Yep, a "Medium Sense Error" usually pertains to the brand of media you're using. CD burners and CD burning software nowadays try and "sense" the kind of media that's been put into them, and also, the maximum burn rate they can achieve with that media. For example, if you put some cheap-o 52x CD-R into your drive and tried to burn it, the burner/software may actually scale back to 24x or 16x because it feels it can't reliably burn to that particular CD-R at 52x.

Try specifying and slower burn rate -- something around 24x or 16x -- and see if that helps. Also try a different brand of media. I find Verbatim CD-Rs to be of excellent quality, and Imation CD-Rs to be of sub-par quality. I'll elaborate if needs be.