i am looking for a audio equalizer for Mac OS X and Audio Hijack is only for snow leopard now that i have my eMac i want to know how well its sound REALLY is but Mac OS X has no bass or treble settings. Also i want to know of an alternative to TenForFox as this program ONLY works on PPC Leo it does not allow use of browser plugin which defeats the entire point in using it. I was also wondering if there a Temp monitoring program that will tell me the system temps like SPEEDFAN and EVEREST do for Windows. and is there a Disk Utility like Ubuntu has that will tell me the detailed SMART info and temp of my Hard Drive? looking around i cant seem to find any apps for powerPC macs anymore.
Is there a AIO Instant Messenger for PPC Mac? i use Trillian usually and the windows version works fine on Linux but the Mac version is Intel and Snow Leopard only
Is there a AIO Instant Messenger for PPC Mac? i use Trillian usually and the windows version works fine on Linux but the Mac version is Intel and Snow Leopard only