PowerPC apps for Leopard?


i am looking for a audio equalizer for Mac OS X and Audio Hijack is only for snow leopard now that i have my eMac i want to know how well its sound REALLY is but Mac OS X has no bass or treble settings. Also i want to know of an alternative to TenForFox as this program ONLY works on PPC Leo it does not allow use of browser plugin which defeats the entire point in using it. I was also wondering if there a Temp monitoring program that will tell me the system temps like SPEEDFAN and EVEREST do for Windows. and is there a Disk Utility like Ubuntu has that will tell me the detailed SMART info and temp of my Hard Drive? looking around i cant seem to find any apps for powerPC macs anymore.

Is there a AIO Instant Messenger for PPC Mac? i use Trillian usually and the windows version works fine on Linux but the Mac version is Intel and Snow Leopard only
Answers to your questions here are quickly found through google.
Are you sure you don't need some help with searching?
One of the hints for more effective use of this site - is to try searching on your own.
It really does give you results if you would only try it out....

Multi-protocol PPC messaging app? - Adium

Audio editing? - Audacity
High volume on the internal speakers in your eMac will likely cause buzzing inside the case, and the video will shake (I've seen it happen a lot on my own eMac)
If you want good sound, get some good external speakers - whatever suits your ear and your wallet. With speakers - you tend to get what you pay for...

The only internal temp from your eMac that can be monitored through software directly is hard drive temp.
iStat Pro does a pretty good job with that.
The logic board has no built-in monitoring sensors, as there are on intel Macs, so you would just watch that the cooling ports don't get obstructed.
And, the fan is single-speed, so no method to crank up the fan speed, if you feel the need for extra cooling. That's my one complaint about the eMac - the fan is always running, at the same low drone....

SMART monitor for Mac that will also work on PPC Macs? SMARTReporter
If you need to use those FireFox extensions, then use a version where they work.
That's version 3.6.27
If you compare the rapid rate that FireFox has upgraded since version 4, then version 10 should really be about version 4.6

What do you really need with FireFox that you can't do with Safari, and one of the add-ons for Safari?
well lets see where to start here i know of Adium but i dont know that last version to work on PPC nor do i even know how to use the program... ive tried it on Panther with me iMac

im looking for a AUDIO EQ program NOT and Audio Editing Program.
and i have never likes Safari as i am using it now due to it being the only one working for wat i need currently Safari is just as bad a IE for Windows always slow always unresponsive extemely sluggish atleast with IE on windows only problem you have is it always being unresponsive its not as slow and sluggish as Safari id really prefer a program based on Chome or Chromium for PPC rather than Firefox i have not even used Firefox since version 3 once google chrome came out in Beta i tried and have used it ever since.
I don't think your sentence was quite long enough
If you would check for yourself, you would see that even the latest version of Adium for Mac is still supported on PPC, at least with Leopard.

Editing an audio file normally also has audio equalization as a part of that editing process, so I offered Audacity as a suggestion.
There's an audio equalizer built-in to iTunes.
Or, play an audio file throughout your QuickTime player.
Choose A/V controls from the Window menu, which is a little simplistic, but still gives you some adjustments.

What is the 'marvelous' add-ons that you can't live without in FireFox?
Did you try FireFox version 3.6, which I linked you to?

Have you tried other supported browsers such as:
iCab (http://www.icab.de/dl.php),
or Opera (http://my.opera.com/community/forums/topic.dml?id=1099432),
or Omniweb http://www.omnigroup.com/products/omniweb/download/
or even Camino http://caminobrowser.org/

One tip that can make a big difference in the day-to-day speed of Safari, is to occasionally empty Safari's caches. That choice is easily available in the Safari menu.
how do i select boot drive? i have three partitions on my hard drive one for OS X one for Leopard Install DVD Image and one for Ubuntu i hold down the Option key it shows my 3 boot devices but i cant choose between them at alll
addons i cant get on anything but chrome and firefox is turn off the lights flashblock and the one i can ONLY get for firefox grooveshredder as far as i know safari dont have any addons
On the Option-boot screen, can you move the cursor?
Keep in mind that Option-boot screen can be very slow to respond - as much as a minute or two to get the normal arrow cursor.
Click on the icon for the partition that you want.

If, for some reason, you can't click there with your mouse, try tapping the tab key a couple of times. The selected icon should change each time you hit tab. When you have the icon for the partition selected, then press return/enter. Then your Mac should boot.

You haven't used Safari very much, so you haven't noticed that Safari has changed significantly.
Add-ons for Safari are called extensions. Go into Safari Preferences, and turn on Extensions. You can find a bunch of extensions in the Extensions gallery. It's the second item in the Safari menu.
Ad Block, ClicktoFlash, likely anything that you might want.
MM - I think LeoTheLion89 means that TenFourFox ONLY works, but it does not accept extensions/add-ons/plugins, which is correct.
from the TenFourFox download page:
Please note: TenFourFox no longer supports browser plugins ... If you require using Flash or other plugins, do not use TenFourFox.