.ppt app opens at startup - why?


This is probably simple since it just started happening one day. When I turn my
computer on, the powerpoint opens up. I can't find where to stop this, and I don't know what started it.

Any ideas?
I will give that a try. Nothing was checkboxed - but I deleted it from the
list. We'll see when I restart. Sounds like an interesting book - will add
to the list. I am currently reading "missing manual for filemaker". Lots of
missing manuals out there.:rolleyes:
You can inadvertently set an application to open at login. There is a menu item "Open at Login" in the pop-up that appears if you click and hold on a Dock item. I've done it a few times with a slip of the mouse...
Just to clarify, was it sgould's post about accidentally clicking on the "Open at Login" in the Dock item menu for ppt?
I will give that a try. Nothing was checkboxed - but I deleted it from the

Just to clarify: everything in your login items list will load at startup, whether or not the checkbox is checked or not.

The checkbox, when checked, just hides the application when it loads, as if you had loaded the application, then selected "Hide" from the Application menu.
Just to clarify, was it sgould's post about accidentally clicking on the "Open at Login" in the Dock item menu for ppt?

Yes - Thank you Gould - and for the info about the "startup"