Precision alarm for mac.


Does anyone know of any software that can create an alert signal that will go off :10 seconds before each minute. Thanks.
There must be more than 100 timer/stopwatch apps at the App Store, so you could simply look for one that can be set for one minute intervals, at a specific time, or whatever you need.

A common use for a timer app could be set to beep once per minute, but 10 seconds before each minute would still be once per minute, eh?
10 seconds before each minute of - what?
Clock time?
task duration?
something else?

It would be a help if you could describe the specific use for this?
They all alert on the min. I need 9:30:50, 9:31:50, 9:32:50, etc.. I guess I need a timer that will alert to the second.
I think what DeltaMac is getting at is that 9:30:50 is as good as 9:31 in human time for most things. Your wristwatch, computer, alarm clock, and microwave oven clock are all probably not synchronized to within 10 seconds of each other, so 9:30:50 on your computer (which is the clock the alarm clock program will use) may be 9:31:07 on your microwave, 9:29:32 on your wristwatch, and 9:35:03 on your alarm clock.

So, a timer going off on your computer at "computer time" 9:30:50 may not actually be 9:30:50 according to a bunch of other clocks. The significance of 9:30:50 is only relevant for anything else that specifically uses the same, exact clock (in other words, your computer's clock) -- it won't be good for websites if you're trying to time auctions (because no doubt eBay's auction computers are not synchronized to your computer clock), it won't be good for reminding you when the pizza is warm (because your stove clock isn't synchronized to your computer clock), and it won't be good for anything else that uses any other clock other than your computer's clock.

In other words, what is wrong with an alarm that chimes at 9:31, 9:32, 9:33, etc. instead of 10 seconds before each of those minutes? If you could explain in greater detail the need for this level of precision and synchronization between clocks, we may be able to help a little more.
Yes but, except for your start, your interval is not 50 seconds, it's one minute (or 60 seconds)

So, it's easy - just start the timer 10 seconds before you begin your task!
Then, an alarm can be set to go at each 60 seconds.

It would help if you can say what that task is, and why you need a warning at the '10 seconds remaining' mark.
There may be other choices, like a count-down timer (for those last 10 seconds, eh?).
I need computer software (if it exists) that will create an alert at precisely 9:30:50, 9:31:50, 9:32:50 etc. I don't need it on the min. It has to be before the min. and every 60 seconds.
Yes, you already described what you want.
I'm saying that what you describe is simply a timer alert once per minute, beginning at the :50 mark, by the clock.

You continue to use the example of a specific time, so your solution might only be tied to the actual local time. Is that really what you need?
A "clock "solution would mean an alarm clock, with a repeating alarm.
A "timer" solution only needs to begin at the time of your choosing, and the timer would 'beep' once per minute (and doesn't care what time it is, it would simply repeat once per minute) which would accomplish the same goal, as long as you get it started at the :50 mark.
Why would that not work for you?

It really would be helpful if you could provide details on the task that you need to monitor - how will this be used? Can you give an example?
I don't know if there is a simple solution with the granularity that you desire, but one of the timers/stopwatches may have that functionality, I just don't know.