Ceroc Addict
With WWDC just over a week away, I thought I'd kick up another prediction thread. 
What I think SJ will spring on us, in descending order of likelihood:

What I think SJ will spring on us, in descending order of likelihood:
- iTunes 4.9 demo of podcasting support, plus a few podcasting plugs
- Australian iTunes music store
- 5G iPod, with iPod mini casing, a color screen and maybe wireless
- Motorola iTunes phone
- Updated Mac mini (he'll probably point out the growing economy in Mac mini accessories)
- Tablet Mac
- Asteroid breakout box ("Just one more thing"?)
- Powerbook G5
- Updates to the eMac, iMac or PowerMac (because we've just had a recent spate of updates on these - although I remember Apple updating the 15" Ti PB just before SJ announced the 12" and 17" Al PBs)
- 23" iMac
- 10" PB or Newton II (maybe a tablet would seem like a biggish handheld)
- Video iPod
- Online video store
- Support for labelled bookmarks for audio files in iTunes for iTunes/iPod