Problem burning CD in iTunes


Might be the software but in checking that a solution has not lended itself.

When I put in a blank CD-R into my powerbook G4 with 10.2.8 it offers for me to either open the CD in iTunes, finder, or disc copier. No matter what I select at this stage when I go into iTunes and click burn disc the burning process starts then I get "The device drained its buffer without burn underrun protection".

I can put in a blank DVD-R and back up files with no problem but when I put in the blank CD-R and try to make an audio CD I get that error message. I am stumped.
KevinG5Hahn said:
"The device drained its buffer without burn underrun protection".

It sounds like you're trying to burn the CD too fast... have you tried burning at a slower setting, say, like 12x or 8x (or even 4x)?
ElDiabloConCaca said:
It sounds like you're trying to burn the CD too fast... have you tried burning at a slower setting, say, like 12x or 8x (or even 4x)?

new discs appear to ahve solved the problem, although now the iTunes burned disc is not being recognized after burning by the computer, for now if the CD works in my car I'll be happy though...