Problem: .Trash Hack? or Virii? Problem 01/02/2003


I have a really problemsince 3 days ago.
Saturday 31/01/2003.. I put normally files, or folders in trash on the dock.

When i try to delete the items in my trash, my screen opacity become more dark, and a windowBox appears with this:

You must restart your computer now. etc etc...
In all languages.

When i reboot, in single user mode/ and /sbin/fsck -y

Problem found "orphande nodes etc"

I rebuilt system errors with sbin /fsck

after i reboot normaly..

On the desktop (finder mode) , no prob.. All apps works, and the trash is full.

When i try to re delete trash the even and symptomatiq window re become... and re froze my system.

I try to restart in os 9 : 31/01/03 ... i delete all in the .trash after reveal the .trash with filebuddy.

all folders apperas to be delete.

I reboot on os x.. on the desktop , the trash is even full....

I'm logg in root..

I go to .trash (root and me (user)) and delete all files...

i log in user -admin (normal mode)

the trash is empty... clean think i...

01/02/2003 no problems all all the days..

02/03/2003 (today) ...
i wake up, i see my trash is full.

i come to delete the trash ... The windows is back..

thetrash is full and ther folders deleted last days are here... !!!!!

This night i will try to remove the .trash with the command line unix via terminal

i don't know wjat's this things....

Please give me answers...



Sorry for my speak i'm french
Sounds like your disk directory is really screwed up; I recommend using Disk Warrior in OS 9. (
A new OS X native version is coming out soon, I bet that will be the only good solution for the OS X-only booting computers. Anyone else think that Apple was too soon in releasing OS X-only booting?
Anyone else think that Apple was too soon in releasing OS X-only booting?

Damn right, man, damn right.

That was a kernel panic. Happens...

No. I never got one :). Or maybe once... But I deserved it (tried to make s'thing weird in the Term).

I would hate my computer without OS9's speed, programs and stability. Yes, stability. OSX is rock solid okay, but when something very serious occurs (as the problem which opens this thread), I want my OS9 to repair it.

Who knows ? Maybe I'l run OSXI without OS9. But for the moment, there's a Classic partition that won't move from my HD.
Not a kernel panic..
It seems to be a virus or attack (i have a server)..
Norton antivirus, or other... + Norton disk doctor, diskwarrior or other..

It is not a disk problem...

Maybe i think, it's a Virii or attack horse..

I have delete my disk where had the 'things'.

Even with 'root mode' delete .trash (rm -r .Trash) for all users, don't delete the file(s) in the trash.
Even whit te terminal or root mode or os 9 mode...

It's the first time that i see this things.
A friden carracho's server say me : I have had an even problem..

I wait to speak with him. now

MacOS x user must be careful... I don't want to do Panic. But....

If you are connected on internet with dns... be warn.

I search an answer. But i think this is a Virus or hacked attack for Mac OS X which cause system froze with a screen opacity, and a window who says when you try to trash the Full Trash : You must restart your computer now ..... etc in all languages. whith a pictures background 'apple' styled.

After the last line, normally in japonese language, a line write :


When you restart : Youmust obligatory lauch the /sbin/fsck -y

When you become to the finder the 'Things' sleep and all system is functional .... But not the Trash

If you think that it's .... Thanx

Have you just tried a complete reinstall ? Something may have gone completely crazy in your system.

Je te donne mon login AIM: brat270783. Je serai connecté dans la semaine, tu n'as qu'à me joindre, je ferai de mon mieux pour t'aider.
Proposing some help via AIM to French compadre ;)
Originally posted by Hoozone
Not a kernel panic..
It seems to be a virus or attack
It IS a kernel panic. This is what they look like now with 10.2.x:

Do you have more than one drive or partition? If so, have you checked /Volumes/name-of-other-drive/.Trash/ to make sure that those directories are empty as well?