Why do all of the Installers made with Vise not work on my dual 500 G4 with 10.1 when I douple click on an install vise installer it enexpectedly quits foe example AIM(AOL Instant Messenger).
I was having that trouble as well. Unfortunately, the only way I found to fix it was to do a complete reinstall of OS X after deleting all the OS X components except for the Users folder. Never did figure out what caused it, although it started after a failed install of OS X, even though I successfully reinstalled afterwards. I guess during the failed install, something was damaged that was not replaced by reinstalling.
Originally posted by ablack6596 Why do all of the Installers made with Vise not work on my dual 500 G4 with 10.1 when I douple click on an install vise installer it enexpectedly quits foe example AIM(AOL Instant Messenger).
Vise installers had trouble with the international panel settings in earlier versions of osX . The fix then was to just open the international control panel, change something, exit, load it up and change it back (if necessary) and this would allow the vise installer to run. I sometimes got installers to work this way, but one or two I had to open the international settings and remove any language other than english from the languages box, then exit and the vise installer would run fine.
OsX 10.1 installs a shirt load of language support files by default with the common install setting. You might try removing the languages you don't need or just the 'change something' setting as mentioned above.