Problem With Repairing Disk (Disk Utility)


Hi peoples,
I found out today that "Macintosh HD" needs repairing, so I used the Disk Util. in my Tiger disk to try to repair it. But for some reason, it will only let me verify it and not repair! Any help???

Tnx, Edshin
You can't use disk utility to repair the disk that is your startup drive. You can only verify that drive.
Boot to your Tiger installer disk, and run Disk Utility from the Utilities menu. You can try the Repair Disk from there.
I don't want to belabor this point, but you have to restart your Mac while the restore DVD is in the drive, and hold the C key so your Mac boots to that installer disk, not to your hard drive. If you are OK up to this point, then open Disk Utility from the menu, _select your hard drive_ from the list on the left. You will then be able to click on the Repair Disk button.
Do you have more than one partition on your hard drive? You will easily see that in Disk Utility.
Keep in mind that you won't be able to completely repair the disk unless it is a Mac formatted partition, or fat32. You can't repair an NTFS format partition for Boot Camp, for example.
You should see the partition information at the bottom of the Disk Utility window.
Another way is to boot in singleuser mode (reboot holding cmd+s until you'll see a black background with white dmesg text) and then execute /sbin/fsck -fy
after this execute shutdown -r now
This will help you ... ever