Problem with Word 2008



I just installed word 2008 on my MPB running Leopard. It works fine with one problem... When I exit word I get the message "A file error has occurred" Check your network connection... (Normal.dotm). Any cule what this means? I did fix permissions and checked the disk. It does save my files, but always gives this error.

Word auto-saves the "Normal.dotm", and it seems your copy of Word has somehow pointed to that file on a server somewhere.

How did you install Word? Is it a retail copy your purchased in a store or online?
I just installed from the CD. It is the retail copy i just received today from apple. I tried to un-install and re-install, but it did not help.
This was making me nuts so I decided to call MS support. It was fixed in 30 seconds! normal.dotm needed to be recreated by trashing it.

It's incredibly sloppy that Word crashes for a reason like this, though. Hope this gets fixed at the first revision. My problem is that I can't find a file called normal.dotm anywhere on my computer or on any connected network volume. So I really don't know how to fix the problem. @debiso - where was the file located on your system?
I think "/users/YOUR NAME/Documents/Microsoft User Data" is where its stored. Theres definately a file named 'normal' relating to Microsoft Word. Cant see what the extension is though.

I havent had the problem so havent tried deleting it so its up to you if you wanna try it. Back up the file first just in case.
@Madelin: I had renamed the one you mention (which I think came from Word 2004) to NormalOLD when I first had this problem (it apparently did not have an extension previously) just to make sure that Word 2008 didn't use it, but a new file was not automatically created here.

I think I have fixed the problem by going into Word's prefs and explicitly assigning a location for some of the default files. It appears that Word puts this file into the location specified for "User Templates" which I think was blank until I provided a location. That may have been the cause of the problem - at least it has solved it for me.
The file was in /users/YOUR NAME/Documents/Microsoft User Data on my computer. I had the exact same problem on another machine last night and this fixed that as well. It looks like this happens if you had 2004 installed prior.
