My system has become very unstable - particularly the apps that use the internet, especiallly Safari and Sherlock. Sometimes Safari just crashes over and over again. A restart stops it for a while, but then it starts again. I had installed broadband tuner 1.0 available at
But then thought that it might be causing the problems, so uninstalled it. But there doesn't seem to have been any change in performance.
I also occasionally get full system crashes, with OSX telling me I have to restart. This is usually when I try to wake up my computer from a sleep.
What's going on? I thought OSX was supposed to be crash proof.
But then thought that it might be causing the problems, so uninstalled it. But there doesn't seem to have been any change in performance.
I also occasionally get full system crashes, with OSX telling me I have to restart. This is usually when I try to wake up my computer from a sleep.
What's going on? I thought OSX was supposed to be crash proof.